This S--t is not OK.

I love how ridiculously polarizing this is.

I'm just now sure how, even if you disagree with the OWS stuff 100%, how you can justify using what is obviously police brutality, worse how you can morally justify assault as a retaliation for inconvenience. Unless you admit to be being some kind of fascist, anyway.

If nothing else, OWS has revealed how Americans *actually* feel about dissent, has really made transparent how ready people are to defend expanding the power of the government in order to relive inconvenience and free themselves from having to hear words they don't like - as long as their taxes are low.
Not in the mood for a protracted debate on the subject, but I gt a little queasy when I see posts that, at their core are saying "It's okay for people to be tasered, but only if I disagree with them, politically."

As far as the police themselves, given how many recent scandals there have been in GA regarding police officers getting in the force after having failed psychological evaluations and background checks, it's not surprising that they would behave like sociopaths. Granted the rpotesters themselves arne't always 100% free from culpability - throwing paint on police and such is fairly inexcusable.
I'm not a fan of the protests, but I don't believe the police should give the public reason to sue the city. It just makes things worse, money wise, for the city taxpayers.

Concur. And also, it's wrong for police to use pepper-spray or mace on people who aren't actively resisting.

As long as we all have TV and Fast Food, people are afraid to change the status quo. It's disgusting.

panem et circenses!
I love how ridiculously polarizing this is.

I'm just now sure how, even if you disagree with the OWS stuff 100%, how you can justify using what is obviously police brutality, worse how you can morally justify assault as a retaliation for inconvenience. Unless you admit to be being some kind of fascist, anyway.

If nothing else, OWS has revealed how Americans *actually* feel about dissent, has really made transparent how ready people are to defend expanding the power of the government in order to relive inconvenience and free themselves from having to hear words they don't like - as long as their taxes are low.

I love you crotch-face man. Take me with you.
As long as we all have TV and Fast Food, people are afraid to change the status quo. It's disgusting.

yeah..lets get rid of tv and fast food. Status Quo will never change. this movement will never change anything because most average people can care less about them. Most of the people I know who would normally be with them can care less about them. sad but true.
A more enlightened society of complete autonomy.

This is biologically impossible. We are pack animals. We require an alpha leader. It's human nature. We are not space aliens from another universe governed by different laws of nature in which there are no laws of nature to be governed by.
This is biologically impossible. We are pack animals. We require an alpha leader.

I challenge you to find the science to back this up. Anthropological studies of pre-agricultural societies show that the tribes lived largely autonomously without a leader.

Further, if all choose to submit to a leader, that is one thing. It is when some choose a leader, and then force others to submit to that leader, that we have a serious problem.
I challenge you to find the science to back this up. Anthropological studies of pre-agricultural societies show that the tribes lived largely autonomously without a leader.

In order for a society to exist, there has to be some kind of governance. Autonomy and society cannot exist together. They are diametrically opposed concepts. It's simple logic. But with that said, there is countless literature that suggests this. I'm not even sure how you can even argue this, it's like arguing against gravity and saying there's no science to back it up. You just look kinda silly bro.

Further, if all choose to submit to a leader, that is one thing. It is when some choose a leader, and then force others to submit to that leader, that we have a serious problem.

So what's stopping you from choosing to break away from our leader and living by your own rules? Oh that's right, society. Your argument sure sounds silly now doesn't it?
I encourage you to do some reading on hunter-gatherer societies (such as the !Kung) and philosophical work on autonomous societies. There is plenty out there that you might be interested in (if you are willing to flex your mind).
I encourage you to do some reading on hunter-gatherer societies and philosophical work on autonomous societies. There is plenty out there that you might be interested in (if you are willing to flex your mind).

Actually I know alot about hunter gather societies. It can be argued whether or not they truly were autonomous.

But besides that and the great philosophical quandary with your position that I just pointed out to you, the fact that that's even your glowing example just makes me laugh as to how ridiculous the idea of your extreme brand of libertarianism is. I don't mean to make fun of you, but seriously dude, really? Yeah, I totally want to go back thousands of years when there was no technology or medicine, thx. By the way, there's something hilarious about you yearning for us to adopt an "autonomous" hunter-gatherer philosophy and then telling me to look up science, and literature. As if those things didn't require bodies of people, societal rules, regulations, order, structure, etc.
Cherion, this is only going to be an extreme derailment. Please PM me if you wanna continue this discussion, I'm down to debate you on it, but I'm not going to to keep it going here.
I'd rather spend my time talking to my Reps,

I've written letters. I've never been able to get into actual stragiht up contact. So yeah. I guess I just don't pull enough clout?

working with my local business bureau, and my other corporate contacts to change the culture of business, locally, to be more responsible to the community and their employees.

I've tried this. Nobody takes my voice seriously because I'm not a business owner and as such, my opinions on business are null. City council meetings are a joke.

I believe in being active in change, instead of just seeing how loud I can yell, so someone else can take up my slack.

I'm glad those opportunities and avenues are available to you, but they're not there for everyone.