This S--t is not OK.

ANyone who gets in my way anywhere is blocking public property in my case. hhhmmmm.

Again though, that's your opinion. However, your opinion (fortunately) is not law. You seem to have a huge problem (whether it's music related or not) separating your opinion from how the world works. Until you figure that out, stop posting. Or maybe do the world a favor and just throw your computer out the window or something.

Oh and fyi, OWS has made quite alot of change in 2 months, more than you could probably do in your whole life.
It boggles my mind how this dude is able to function in society. Does he go around saying "HEY YOU THERE, I DONT LIKE X... YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE WHAT I DON'T LIKE" irl or is he just trolling on the web for attention?

I'm not a fan of the protests, but I don't believe the police should give the public reason to sue the city. It just makes things worse, money wise, for the city taxpayers.

I do agree on the whole with you. I'm not a fan of the Tea Party protests, but I don't think those people should be mercilessly beaten either. I don't think the lady who screamed "you're the antichrist" to Obama's face should be repeatedly tazed and pepper sprayed, but these trolls think the OWS kids deserve physical harm on the grounds of their own personal opinions. That being said, could you possibly word your post in a more condescending manner? They are human fucking beings. Christ. I usually get there are people here on this board who are against the Democrats and Democrat viewpoints, and that's why I usually say my piece in these threads and don't keep posting because it's not like I'm going to change opinions. But I would at least have expected some level of value for human life regardless of political side. If the most sympathy you can muster is that the police attacks are making it bad for the "taxpayers" eg, the "normal people," then I'm sorry, but don't even post.
Have to agree. This wasn't originally about OWS, or the protesting in general, but the disgusting Totalitarianism that is being demonstrated by every authority figure in America who does not like what people have to say about them. How is this not exactly like Egypt, or Lybia, or any of the other recent uprisings around the world, that were assulted by their own Authoritarian governments? These are PEOPLE. These are AMERICAN FUCKING CITIZENS, exercizing their CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT TO FREE SPEECH and being mercilessly and unprovokingly assaulted.

Like what they're doing or not, how can anyone with a brain in this country not be raging mad and find this hugely offensive?
It makes no sense to me. I thought the military was supposed to be protecting "our freedoms," like you know, the right to free speech (protest)?

Not to mention the fact that unless they earn $500,000+, they're still the 99%, and if they discharge from the military, their job opportunities are the same as everyone else's.

The protestors have a Constitutional right to assemble, whether you agree with them or not. Suck it up and deal, because one day that could be the rights *you* personally enjoy being threatened.

And if the protestors are somewhere they shouldn't be and being obnoxious about moving, the correct response is NOT to push them down, stick your knee into their soft spots, and pepper spray their faces and mouths. The correct response is NOT to physically assault them with batons. The correct response is NOT to fracture a lieutenant corporal's skull with a rubber bullet and then prevent others from giving him emergency treatment.

I am not anti-police by any stretch, but these guys are so far out of line that it's horrifying.
Yeah I should also mention that I'm not anti-police. I have a buddy who's training for the NYPD, I respect him immeasurably. But I don't monolithically suckle on the teat of the police either JUST because it's the police. The police get away with doing some absolutely sickening stuff and it's horrific.
Oh and fyi, OWS has made quite alot of change in 2 months, more than you could probably do in your whole life.

I can tell....did they just change the season? it was warm last week and now it is cold out. They are doing thier job great.

There are better ways to spread the word and stand up for your rights other than sitting around and holding signs. It seems that this movement is made of kids who think they know the world and how it works....they have nothing that represents them so they look for any reason to jump on any bandwagon to make themselves feel important in society. Kind of like Aeonic. Wants to feel inportant in any thread.

Face it...this movement is a joke...there will always be a division between the rich and poor. To quote Caddyshack....."the world needs ditch diggers too".
I can tell....did they just change the season? it was warm last week and now it is cold out. They are doing thier job great.

There are better ways to spread the word and stand up for your rights other than sitting around and holding signs. It seems that this movement is made of kids who think they know the world and how it works....they have nothing that represents them so they look for any reason to jump on any bandwagon to make themselves feel important in society. Kind of like Aeonic. Wants to feel inportant in any thread.

1) They got enough people to move 4.5 billion dollars out of the banks and into credit unions

2) They even got Republican Presidential candidates to acknowledge and respect them

3) Even if they didn't do anything, and are as you say, just "kids," it's ironic you criticize them of not knowing how the world works when you think that standing around in public is a crime or are too incompetent to recognize that they have a legal right to protest (lol at your knowledge of the law, or lackthereof). Further, you're even more incompetent for thinking they deserve to be beaten severely just for the above reasons.

4) I know it's a hard concept to grasp but I don't take the internet seriously. Calling you out for having the inability to differentiate how the world works from your own opinion -- and pointing out that if you maintain this inability in real life you wouldn't be able to function-- doesn't make me feel important. It doesn't make me feel anything because this is the internet.

5) in case you haven't noticed, I'm not the only one in this thread that thinks this about you.

ITT: Internet metal nerd goes on yet another rant about how "hipsters" piss him off from the comfort of his computer, when in reality he's just butthurt that these kids are actually doing things and not sitting around being fat.
It seems that this movement is made of kids who think they know the world and how it works....they have nothing that represents them so they look for any reason to jump on any bandwagon to make themselves feel important in society.








Look at all those "YOUNG PEOPLE" who don't understand how they must be OK with being oppressed and mitigated.
Yes, the standard "if you don't agree with me you don't have a brain and are a horrible person."

Yeah that's not what he said at all, but it's funny you pick on that but not the "if you don't agree with me, you should be beaten and pepper sprayed" sentiment in this thread.
It's passive-aggressive authoritarianism. The police, and the local governments/authorities that abet them, are basically saying "We're not going to deny you your civil liberties - we're just going to make you so uncomfortable and frightened, you'll wish you never tried to test them in the first place." There are lots of quotes from police claiming they felt threatened, but virtually no documentation - almost all of the photos and video coming from multiple occupations across the country are strictly of *police* brutality, across multitudes of sources. They're supposed to protect the public, not assault them. And when it's the police calling for media blackout, they know damn well what they're doing isn't right.
Here's the deal. Our government & economy is beyond screwed, I totally advocate free speech, and a right to assemble BUT.......

If you're going to protest by blocking streets, roads, sidewalks, more power to you, but when the police ask you to move, you move. If you don't, you're likely going to get sprayed and/or whacked with a baton. Nicer cops will just zip tie you, drag you out of the way.

None of the vids presented show anything like the cops asking them nicely to move. If in fact, they just queued up and started beating/macing people, then yeah, it's wrong. If they were ordered to move, and were just being belligerant, then they are opening a door that BOTH sides seem to want opened.

It's going to get a lot more uglier than this folks, just wait & see.......
I can't help but comment on this...and I am legitimately interested in the answers from everyone.

So I have to ask this question (without name calling...):

I read the articles from these incidents. We'll take the UC pepper spray incident as the example.

When it comes to the "right to assemble" - is it a free-for-all statement, or is there a process/designated areas defined for this? (I tried to read the details of the first amendment but couldn't seem to track down anything other than the White House has designated areas for assembling).

From what I can find, public college campuses are public places if you attend, but are governed/administered by the college staff, which of course sets certain rules and whatnot. True, false, little of both?

What is reasonable force, and where is the line drawn, and at what point, and are we to even decide not being in police shoes day to day?

Does the same force/line apply to everyone (suspicious people stopped by police, the "calm at the time" druggie that the cop is unaware of sitting on a street) or just protesters because they look peaceful?

Only thing I can say about the above is, from what I can read in the articles I see (and not covered in the video) is the UC asked people to remove the forming tent city by a certain time. Some people did, some did not. Police were called, and gave them another small window to do it and/or disperse. Some did not. Were all of these students, don't know. They look like it, but it's easy enough to "look like a student".

Should the police let them stay?
Should the protesters ignore the police?
Who's right/wrong?
We're taught to heed laws and the police, is it the right thing to do as the police say in this instance, and deal with the consequences whatever they may be if not?

I'm not saying there aren't bad apples within the police community. At the same time, we do not walk in their shoes everyday as they're out there protecting the streets etc. - we don't hear all the stories of the police officer who gave someone the benefit of the doubt only to be shot unsuspectingly in cold blood, in situations like this or similar. Who's to say that just because a protester is sitting down and "behaving" that they don't have a weapon of some sort stuffed in their shirt/jacket/pants just itching for a chance to "put one to the man" - I mean some of this group was chanting, "Thugs on campus!" and "From Davis to Greece, fuck the police!" - and this is before anything happened. Do you take the chance?

I don't know, not for me to say...

ANYways... I do also agree that a ton of these protesters have no idea what they're even protesting at this point, and many are looking to just cause a ruckus. Jon Stewart had a pretty amazing video the other day - if you haven't seen it it's definitely worth watching (the interviews on the scene of the Occupy movement and their internal "upper/lower" class).

I also agree with Jaydub that we probably have not seen the worst of all this - and I dread the day that this breaks into some sort of mini (mini?!) civil war of sorts.
Metal Ages.....thank you. I can see both sides but if you notice....none of the videos show you anything before the incidents take place. As you said that they were given a time and day to be moved and some did not. For all we know the kids who were still there were pestering the police for a while making thier blood boil....while not of fan of the police all the time but I know what they deal with on a day to day in my hood and you will be siding with the police more than you would think.

Look how tempers flair here.....I post crazy comments here and Aeonic cant wait minutes before attack verbally. So lets move to real life. Lets say my comments are the Occupy Protesters and I am making comments all day at Aeonic....we all see how quickly he reacts with name calling and verbal assaults. So imagine him as the police.....

checkmate my friend. point proven.

You dont know the full story to the video other than what you were being shown. Like any source of can be twisted to only show what they person wants to you see to help thier cause. Look at most of the videos of these types of are only shown certian things and not the whole event as it really cant judge something with not being there or seeing what built up to the event.
Deron - the other question you have to ask is whether or not the police have the *right* to ask the protestors to disperse in the first place. That's another huge issue.

And if they tried to enforce regulations on banks the way they are on the protestors, maybe they wouldn't be there in the first place.
Welcome to AMERIKA the POLICE STATE where we are now Guilty until proven innocent (just ask the TSA), and many cops have turned into bullies, and thugs!
Imagine there was a major incident. The police show up at your door and say they have you on record as an owner of firearms, and in the name of safety, they require you to give all of them up into police possession.

Do you hand over your weapons because that's what the police asked you to do, or do you remind them that you have a Constitutional right to own them (and presumably have the necessary proof of ownership, license, etc)?

If you refuse them, do they have the right to then arrest you, ransack your house, and take them anyway? Do they have the right to assault you if you get in their way?

And how would you feel when a segment of the population informs you that they are completely unsympathetic, because you're just a bunch of redneck warhawks who are threatening the safety of the community, who just own guns to compensate for small penises? Do you tell them it doesn't matter what they personally think of you as a gun-owner, because the second amendment guarantees your right to do so?
I'm usually the first person to jump in and defend the police. My dad is a retired state cop, so I have a VERY good idea of the shit they deal with on a daily basis. For the most part, when a cop does his or her job, people are willing to fly off the handle and claim they are being picked on, or that the cop is clearly corrupt, etc...But you know, if you get pulled over, and begin to cuss out the cop who pulled you over, you shouldn't be surprised when you end up with a traffic ticket or two - at best.

However, I cannot defend this. You have unarmed, non-violent people, sitting down. Just sitting. Spraying unarmed, non-violent protesters is not an action I can defend or support.