The thing that boggles my mind is how some people around here (that are supporting both sides) have made such stupid comments...
just like mama says....stupid is, that stupid does. - The late great Forest Gump.
The thing that boggles my mind is how some people around here (that are supporting both sides) have made such stupid comments...
When it comes to the "right to assemble" - is it a free-for-all statement, or is there a process/designated areas defined for this? (I tried to read the details of the first amendment but couldn't seem to track down anything other than the White House has designated areas for assembling).
From what I can find, public college campuses are public places if you attend, but are governed/administered by the college staff, which of course sets certain rules and whatnot. True, false, little of both?
are we to even decide not being in police shoes day to day?
I'm not saying there aren't bad apples within the police community. At the same time, we do not walk in their shoes everyday as they're out there protecting the streets etc. - we don't hear all the stories of the police officer who gave someone the benefit of the doubt only to be shot unsuspectingly in cold blood, in situations like this or similar. Who's to say that just because a protester is sitting down and "behaving" that they don't have a weapon of some sort stuffed in their shirt/jacket/pants just itching for a chance to "put one to the man" - I mean some of this group was chanting, "Thugs on campus!" and "From Davis to Greece, fuck the police!" - and this is before anything happened. Do you take the chance?
ANYways... I do also agree that a ton of these protesters have no idea what they're even protesting at this point, and many are looking to just cause a ruckus. Jon Stewart had a pretty amazing video the other day - if you haven't seen it it's definitely worth watching (the interviews on the scene of the Occupy movement and their internal "upper/lower" class).
It's going to get a lot more uglier than this folks, just wait & see.......
I'd like to know how many of you who don't think these people know what they're protesting have made that assumption based on media coverage showing exactly who they want you to see, and who have actually gone down to the protest to see and talk to exactly who is out there and what they're thinking.
A lot of them know exactly what they're out there for. Fucking hippies, amirite?
It boggles my mind how this dude is able to function in society. Does he go around saying "HEY YOU THERE, I DONT LIKE X... YOU'RE NOT ALLOWED TO LIKE WHAT I DON'T LIKE" irl or is he just trolling on the web for attention?
I do agree on the whole with you. I'm not a fan of the Tea Party protests, but I don't think those people should be mercilessly beaten either. I don't think the lady who screamed "you're the antichrist" to Obama's face should be repeatedly tazed and pepper sprayed, but these trolls think the OWS kids deserve physical harm on the grounds of their own personal opinions. That being said, could you possibly word your post in a more condescending manner? They are human fucking beings. Christ. I usually get there are people here on this board who are against the Democrats and Democrat viewpoints, and that's why I usually say my piece in these threads and don't keep posting because it's not like I'm going to change opinions. But I would at least have expected some level of value for human life regardless of political side. If the most sympathy you can muster is that the police attacks are making it bad for the "taxpayers" eg, the "normal people," then I'm sorry, but don't even post.
When it comes to the "right to assemble" - is it a free-for-all statement, or is there a process/designated areas defined for this? (I tried to read the details of the first amendment but couldn't seem to track down anything other than the White House has designated areas for assembling).
From what I can find, public college campuses are public places if you attend, but are governed/administered by the college staff, which of course sets certain rules and whatnot. True, false, little of both?
What is reasonable force, and where is the line drawn, and at what point, and are we to even decide not being in police shoes day to day?
Does the same force/line apply to everyone (suspicious people stopped by police, the "calm at the time" druggie that the cop is unaware of sitting on a street) or just protesters because they look peaceful?
Only thing I can say about the above is, from what I can read in the articles I see (and not covered in the video) is the UC asked people to remove the forming tent city by a certain time. Some people did, some did not. Police were called, and gave them another small window to do it and/or disperse. Some did not. Were all of these students, don't know. They look like it, but it's easy enough to "look like a student".
Should the police let them stay?
Should the protesters ignore the police?
Who's right/wrong?
We're taught to heed laws and the police, is it the right thing to do as the police say in this instance, and deal with the consequences whatever they may be if not?
I'm not saying there aren't bad apples within the police community. At the same time, we do not walk in their shoes everyday as they're out there protecting the streets etc. - we don't hear all the stories of the police officer who gave someone the benefit of the doubt only to be shot unsuspectingly in cold blood, in situations like this or similar. Who's to say that just because a protester is sitting down and "behaving" that they don't have a weapon of some sort stuffed in their shirt/jacket/pants just itching for a chance to "put one to the man" - I mean some of this group was chanting, "Thugs on campus!" and "From Davis to Greece, fuck the police!" - and this is before anything happened. Do you take the chance?
I also agree with Jaydub that we probably have not seen the worst of all this - and I dread the day that this breaks into some sort of mini (mini?!) civil war of sorts.
Um, are you talking to me or someone else? My comment was a stand alone and not a response to anyone else. This is not the only instance where cops have pulled this shit and I'm not excusing them. I'm not a fan of OWS. I agree with some of their complaints but I don't agree with where they're protesting and think they could better make their point through other avenues. I've stated that to people involved with the protests and I give them sympathy for the bullshit they face from the cops.
Now as to my posting here...well, guess what? Glenn lets me. You're not the moderator here and if I get out of line, Glenn knows good and well that he can verbally slap me down, and I know good and well that he's willing to do it and will not think twice about it. So get over yourself. Last I checked, all these protests are supposed to be about the right for the small guy to be heard. Unless you're a hobbit, I'm probably smaller than you. So suck it.
Copypasta pictures sure are funny but don't really help to get a point across. Someone could just as easily make one with a picture of cops saying "Remember when these cops tear-gassed and beat up innocent bystanders? Yeah..Me neither." There are shitty people in every profession. There are bad cops, good cops. Good protestors, dumbass protestors. The world has stupid people....breaking news.
All I'm going to say is that it's a figure of speech -- you know, "if you have nothing nice to say, don't say it at all." I wasn't literally suggesting you be censored. If your only sympathy is that the poor taxpayers are going to have to deal with it (and I totally agree with you that lawsuits against the city ARE a serious problem facing the police in this situation so don't get me wrong-- but there's a much larger issue that you seem to almost be purposely dodging even STILL just because you don't agree with the protest) and not the safety and well being for these kids who just got brutalized protesting something you don't agree with, then I don't know what to say, but your post seemed mean to me.
Oh and the first first sentence of your quote of me is for Diabolik, not you.
There are many things that I don't sympathize with protesters about. Being brutalized by police is not one of them and I don't agree with it in any way, shape, or fashion. That said...given the reactions that the protests have gotten, would you, or anyone else, assume that going to a "peaceful" OWS protest is not going to run the risk of resulting in something like this happening? I'm more than sure these folks knew the full potential of what they were facing and accepted it.
I'm sorry my lack of empathy strikes you as mean, but I'm not going to show much empathy for folks who choose to disobey a request - by police or anyone else. I will suggest they lay waste to the cops, and the city, in civilian court.
I'll be 100% honest with you. That's the reason why I myself have not protested -- I don't want to get attacked by the police.
But I think that says alot about the state of the police in our society more than anything. A bunch a smelly undesirables gather together and so they deserve to get treated like shit.
It's exactly like how Giuliani handled the homeless in New York City when he was mayor. He basically locked up all these homeless people just for being homeless and then sold it to everyone as "I cleaned up the city!!" What do the people care? No more smelly stinky homeless people on the streets anymore, so it's a win-win.
60 years ago, those same people would have said the same thing about black people.
I'm not trying to be mean to you either but I will give you some food for thought -- how many people said the same thing about black people in the 1950's and 60's?
Except that a copypasta picture of cops saying "Remember when these cops tear-gassed and beat up innocent bystanders? Yeah..Me neither." isn't really that funny because there's footage of it all over the internet. I mean, I guess it's funny on an ironic "pointing-out-the-horrors-of-the-world" level, like racist humor.
Also, Nailz's post is doubly ironic, because nobody cried about the biker gangs counter protesting the WBC at funerals. Nobody sung and danced about "blocking public space" during that. It's funny how seriously personal opinions influence people, and I'm not saying that against you, but as a general statement. Even more ironic is that the precise reason why nobody beats up the WBC for protesting is because they are highly capable lawyers that would defeat anyone in court. Not even the police would pick a fight with them because they know they would get their asses handed to them. But with poor people it's easy pickings of course! It's funny how easily we can disregard things because we don't agree with them.