retarded penguin said:Hey dickhead!
Why don't you also take into account that I'm fucking 15, and most of these places require A CREDIT CARD.
Plus, I don't like recieving things in the mail, there is always the risk of having things lost and given that I don't have a steady source of income, losing money is something I am not too keen on.
Hey retard, listen, I don't have a credit card either but I manage to get my cd's. Thats a really lame excuse b/c, down here in the USofA I can go to record store and special order anything I need.
yeah buddy, USI order most of my cd's from They have a killer selection and they and it grows every day. Its the best metal online store i've found. Its free shipping to the continental US (not canda, sorry ey) and their cd's are priced around 12-14 dollars.
Not the alleged 30 bucks a pops, which I think is total bullshit.
I send them money orders through the mail. They've delivered every time and I've done it 4 times now. I don't know about the Canadian mail service, but in the US, yes money gets nabbed if sent through the mail, but MO's on the other hand don't because,like a check, a MO can be made out to some one but unlike a check it doesn't have to be verrified (its same as cash alomost)
About this, I don't have income bullshit. Listen you have computer and your paying some ISP, so you probably have money. It just that you'd rather not buy a cd when you can save your money for some thing that isn't "free"
What most people fail to see is that the music industry is gonna go belly up. Is that good? No. I don't like the record companies but I do like artists, and what hurts the record company hurts artists. If piracy continues on its path, there won't be any bands around.
I own 100+ metal cds, I try, but wanna know something, this doesnt help the band alot, they get like a buck for every record sold.I don't know about you, but I listen to Underground Heavy Metal. Most of these bands need our money to make music. I support music by buying it, not pirating it and give some lame, "i can't afford it" bullshit excuse. I'm glad I know I keep Metal alive in some way and so should you.
It's not a bad selection, but a little limited genre-wise...that's my opinion, though. Still couldn't find Pentagram's "Day of Reckoning," any Sanctuary (that's inexcusible!!!!) or Salem's Lot. Bah.MetalHeadMarc They have a killer selection and they and it grows every day. Its the best metal online store i've found. Its free shipping to the continental US (not canda, sorry ey) and their cd's are priced around 12-14 dollars.
When I ordered Forbidden's "Distortion" back in '95, it was $24 with $11 shipping from Germany. $30 for what I listen to isn't unreasonable, it's expected. That's why I'd better be damned sure that it's not a piece of shit before I pay for it. Enter mp3s.Not the alleged 30 bucks a pops, which I think is total bullshit.
Looks like someone doesn't have a mortgage, car payment, utilities, student loans, 100-mile commutes, groceries, children, etc. The point you're making is decent enough, but you're making assumptions. The point I'm making, here, is, sure I've got $11 - $40 lying around for a CD or two. I've also got to make the choice between a potentially crappy CD I've heard one song off of, or something equally important that is guaranteed. Once I listened to St. Anger, the most popular expample of late, I realized I didn't need to spend my money on it. The Nevermore album, on the other hand, can't get here soon enough so I can buy it. The problem is, I will be driving close to 240 miles to get it.About this, I don't have income bullshit. Listen you have computer and your paying some ISP, so you probably have money. It just that you'd rather not buy a cd when you can save your money for some thing that isn't "free"
You might want to look at this from a different perspective. The music industry needs to be put on notice that charging $15.99 for a CD worth approximately $1 in production costs is crap. Add in the fact that artists make $0.10 on the dollar, if that, and I can't help but feel a little like the record companies may need to get some financial ass-biting in order to stop producing 3,000 bands with zero talent and not promoting the three or four worthwhile bands on their label. I know Century Media is trying to be the next Metal Blade records, or whatever, the promotion of their bands is relatively non-existent. The boy bands in the world, on the other hand, don't even have to blink and they have full-page spreads advertising their drek. Bottom line, to me, until the record companies stop screwing the artists, I'm going directly to the artists to buy the records and the way I find out about the bands is by word-of-mouth and seeing if I can't download a few songs to see what they're like and if they're worth my money.What most people fail to see is that the music industry is gonna go belly up.
Well, maybe. Maybe not. Do you think music albums sold better BEFORE? They didn't, really...the statistics generally point to a lack of expected growth. My main reason for not having bought more than 4 CDs over the past 2 years has to do with the fact that there have only been 4 worthwhile CDs released (in my opinion) during that timeframe.If piracy continues on its path, there won't be any bands around.
Of the 500 metal CDs in my collection, I can probably count on fingers and toes the ones that were bought after a particularly un-frugal college time. The fact is that it's not a bullshit excuse. It's a reason. An excuse would be saying you can't afford the CD and paying the exact same money on a n equally "frivolous" item. Not having the money isn't an excuse. It's often referred to as priorities. In college, I didn't drink, so I bought, I feed my family, so I don't buy CDs. Simple as that.I support music by buying it, not pirating it and give some lame, "i can't afford it" bullshit excuse. I'm glad I know I keep Metal alive in some way and so should you.
Pretty funny, isn't it? The RIAA would have you believe that they're all out on the street, destitute and starving...theodyssey said:Stat's show that music sales are going up... not down.
You're right. Sorry about that. The fact is that NO, it's not worth a felony. If they're going to pursue prosecution for downloading music or anything else, for that matter, it would have to be on a per-count basis. Felony larceny (as they are painting it) is usually defined as $2500 in value or greater, isn't it? If this is the case, what monetary value are they placing on the downloaded material? 10 times what? $25. $2500 per song is ludicrous. That's nice clams for a SONG. Are we saying that little Billy who just downloaded the new Blazing Freakshow album -- all 8 tracks -- is guilty of the same "amount" of felony larceny as Evil Timmy who has every album released between 1980 and 2000 burned onto MP3 CDs? If this law gets credence, we're going to lose Billy for 40 years and he'll need to shell out $20K. Evil Timmy should just be put to death, then, since at 5 years per song, he'll have to serve more time than the planet has left before the sun burns itself out.edit: just wanted to add the fact that this has gotten away from the point. Regardless of whether or not you believe mp3s are right or wrong, is it really worth jail time and a felony charge???
You mean so they would stop sponsoring things like "Make the Band" and "Talentless Freaks Get a Record Contract" and that sort of thing? If "major labels" can do that kind of crap, usually over the course of a season on TV...don't know how much that costs but I'm sure that there's an exploited band on the label that isn't seeing too much of their royalties because of it...Theli said:Wouldn't it be a great shame if the recordcompanies lost some money?
Makes me want to go back and re-record my country smash hit "Trailer Park Porsche" under a reprised, perhaps thrash-oriented ditty, "Corporate Bastard Cardboard."I mean, I heard most of their executives lives in cardboard boxes. Sent there by the greedy hands of teenage kazaa users.
That's actually a very apt description, now that you mention it. What's funny is that the liberal democrats seem to be on board and the usually up-with-money Republicans aren't sold on this... It just seems the record companies are trying to "fix" their "problem" without looking at the REAL problem, which is talentless gits being promoted because they look purty.And now they have started a witchhunt to once again increase profit.
Yes, I don't think the record companies are suing mp3 sharers based on sympathy for some unknown underground bands (90% of all metalbands includedIt just seems the record companies are trying to "fix" their "problem" without looking at the REAL problem, which is talentless gits being promoted because they look purty.
Poison God said:RP shows his true colors of idiocy again.
retarded penguin said:The people that work at most of these stores look at you like youre fucking insane to think a band named Hobb's Angel Of Death exists.
yeah buddy, US
you seem to have already forgotten I live in one sentence..............
Not familiar with MOs...
Read the thread buddy, how many 15 year olds do you know live without their parents/ guardians of some kind?
Good point, now we just got to get them to distribute the good music to the masses.
I own 100+ metal cds, I try, but wanna know something, this doesnt help the band alot, they get like a buck for every record sold.
I support my bands by going to their concerts and spending what little (if any) money I have on shirt. And whats this about underground music? look at my list of bands.....thats preeeeetty underground buddy
It's logical, pretty well thought out and has valid points. <sarcasm>We can't have that around here, now can we?</sarcasm>thebigyetti said:remind me again, whats so idiotic aboot this post, eh?
It's more than suing -- it's prosecuting under felony larceny. That's not the right way, either.Space Rabies said:The RIAA is full of shit..Sueing people is not the right way but........
So, clean 'em off the hard drive onto MP3 CDs...People with more than a hundred or so songs on their computer are foolish if they think they are not stealing.
Ah, when I want to try out a band, I d/l everything I can find of theirs to get a representative sample. This doesn't dispute your argument, as such, but I don't bother with playlists. If I don't end up deleting the band's catalogue from the hard drive, then I go to and see which albums had the songs I enjoyed and make sure they're still in print. From there, it's off to the usual haunts for finding CDs.Why would anybody feel the need to look up a CD's playlist, go and DL all the songs, burn the CD, and have themselves a "complete" album. Obvously it's not to sample the band. It's to get out of paying for it. 100% of my friends an family who DL songs do this. I'd be willing to bet that at least 80% of P2P users have done this more than twice.
There WAS a better way. Promotional CDs at record stores. Skinnie's in Norfolk, VA was awesome about that. The owner would pull us aside and hand about 5 or 6 tapes/discs in the nice white covers with just band/song titles on them and say, "You dig [xyz], check out these bands -- I think you'll like them." Then, when we came back and tell him which ones we liked, he'd order them, if they weren't already in stock. This is how I found out about Sanctuary, Wrathchild America, Salem's Lot, Destruction, Forbidden, etc. It wasn't that they were getting airplay. It was that the record companies were PROMOTING the bands (remember when labels cared about ALL their artists??) and the record stores weren't into whoring the money makers, but were trying to fit the musical tastes of their customers.There has to be a better way..