That dude's biggest problem is he tries to sound smart. Apart from that, what he is saying makes some sense. Granted there were some straight up retarded moments. But all in all, I think he had some good points to make.
I think romanticism is undoubtedly within black metal. Romanticism is not as it is commonly thought of. It is not paper back novels and shit. Romanticism is something that can have a broad range of associates from Hegel's philosophies to even romanticizing the macabre. Dualities are everywhere. Ancient Greek philosophy was partly concerned with the idea that whatever exists, exists because it comes out of two opposites in conflict with one and other. In a way, dark can be bright, and evil can be good.
I've always liked black metal because it has a dark/negative nuance to it. A kind of ethereal feel that takes on the transcendental vibe. Though the music may be entirely grim, the cacophony of the vocals and guitars is meant to be an emotional response to the disparity, grimness, bleakness, etc., and at the very least, that there is a response at all is a sign that there is optimism somewhere in the production.