This song rips. Incredible.

Go away.

Seriously, just stop.

Listen to this instead.


here is some more for you.


but, i seriously like that liturgy song. It's different. It's moving BM in a new frontier.

Firs BM album to be mentioned as superior I donwload and give a thorough listen. BTW
Am I supposed to like my music according to what bands are strictly embodied in a single genre? It seems as though every argument about a band is over the genre and not the music, and such is the case with Liturgy (also the hipster thing is mixed in there, but that is just more shit to deal with). I like the few Liturgy songs I've heard because they have this feel to them, this sort of on-the-brink-of-chaos sound. Someone likened it to post rock. I can at least get behind that statement. Post rock is one of my favorite genres. My point is that Liturgy is doing some things that others arent. BM or not...

well it don't matter.

I really enjoyed that Sacramentum song, too. It sounded a bit old school.
Sort of sounds like mathcore fused with black metal atmosphere/riffing and death metal speed/technicality. It actually reminds me of a less aggression-oriented Deathspell Omega in some ways, albeit with an obviously more positive spirituality to it. Needless to say I'm fascinated enough to probably investigate the band further sometime... and I was expecting them to suck.
That dude's biggest problem is he tries to sound smart. Apart from that, what he is saying makes some sense. Granted there were some straight up retarded moments. But all in all, I think he had some good points to make.

I think romanticism is undoubtedly within black metal. Romanticism is not as it is commonly thought of. It is not paper back novels and shit. Romanticism is something that can have a broad range of associates from Hegel's philosophies to even romanticizing the macabre. Dualities are everywhere. Ancient Greek philosophy was partly concerned with the idea that whatever exists, exists because it comes out of two opposites in conflict with one and other. In a way, dark can be bright, and evil can be good.

I've always liked black metal because it has a dark/negative nuance to it. A kind of ethereal feel that takes on the transcendental vibe. Though the music may be entirely grim, the cacophony of the vocals and guitars is meant to be an emotional response to the disparity, grimness, bleakness, etc., and at the very least, that there is a response at all is a sign that there is optimism somewhere in the production.
I think he's trying to sound really smart but actually isn't very clever or doing anything interesting. Liturgy is a boring band trying desperately to carve a niche that no one into real black metal wants carved. It's a dumb idea and the fact that people think it is a good one boggles my mind.
I'm not a "fan" by any means. I just think he made some sense. I see Wolves in the throne Room coupled with this band a lot. I favor Wolves much more. Two Hunters blew my mind for a day or two. Perhaps they share philosophies with Liturgy. I know they consider themselves to be going beyond the genre.

He's not a black metal guy...he's a hipster doofus.

Haha, "real black metal".

I really couldn't care less about the lyrics or what the band members are like in interviews; their music is reasonably kickass and that's all that matters to me. I will say, though, that I at least admire the frontman guy's ambition in actually trying something new and innovative thematically with his band and having the music and lyrical themes work together to represent something as a whole, instead of just churning out a dozen two minute-long jerking-off-to-Satan shitfests and calling it TRVE KVLT GUIZE LOL.
Well i agree with you excusetheblood

"Real Black metal", yeah, that got me to.

Liturgy's music isn't that good. I almost wish they were a post rock band that went crazy instead of a black metal band that put those weird riffs in.