this sunday, sunday, sunday ... in Brooklyn


Active Member
Sep 27, 2002
ackercocke, vehemence and some other punters at Northsix in brooklyn.

JK, you going?

just saw this in time out NY
ok .. guess I will go anyway ... not a big fan of Ackerkoke ... but it seems like a cool festival .. some 20 bands. Should be cool.

As far as when you are here ... I am sure we can find a gig we can all go to.
Normally don't go to shows alone, but did tonight and was not dissaponted.
Actually went to see Akercocke, but ended up turning into a Vehemence fan instead.

Vehemence just totally rip live. The singer is a funny dude. Think Kevin Smith humor in between songs and then just heads down completely balistic into the next track. And these boys have groove too. They could use some help in the image department though ... half the band looks like Cannibal Corpse ... the other like Linkin Park ... but they sure do fucking rip live.

Akercocke, while technically proficient, and have good stage presence ... they have this holier than thou aura. Kids were obviosly there to see them, more so than any of the other bands and they do deliver. It is actually pretty amazing to see Jason Mendoca switch vocal styles at the drop of a dime ...

Some of their stuff does not translate well live, and while not really the case here, a poor mix can be the kiss of death for them.

Spoke with the singer of Vehemence for a few minutes and told him about this board and to come and check it out. Cool people and killer band ... check them out.
One of the dudes from Vehemence has posted here before I think.

I love going to death metal shows alone, I never have to worry about saving someone's ass from an unruly crowd. :loco: