This weekend I met someone.


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Oct 7, 2003
Where you live
Jager Bomb:

One (1) shot Jagermeister
One (1) can Red Bull

1) Drop shotglass in glass of Red Bull.
2) Drink fast.
3) Repeat.


It actually tasted pretty good- a kind of high sugar citrusy-licorice opiate.
also, went to this place:

Owned by a couple guys who (i think) won the lottery and started a brewery. they closed the microbrewery a couple years ago to concentrate on opening this place, which was opened this past July. Awesome beer, amazing food, and the whole place is just top notch- lots of pine wood, nice bars, huge open area, a big stone fireplace in the middle of the room...
I should do that...

but Red Bull is too fucking expensive...

Once I got them for free, I had 4, then was told they weren't free... and I'm still sober after ten shots of grain... so I could take at least a dozen of those :)
oh my god

thank you for posting that jaeger logo, chupe, because it bears an incredible fucking likeness to the piece of art i just had toby draw for a tattoo. who knew!

do i really want a jaegermeister-looking tattoo? i hate jaeger.