
At first I didn't realize 'she' was a woman on that pic above :lol:
Well, no other pics on google...

Still, I've found a recent one of Thor which is maybe the winner for the King of Cheese contest 2004!

Enjoy :

They're from a place not far from here, and I bought some Bewitched stuff from Vargher realy cheap... At the Gates of Hell is the most old-school heavy metal one, a nice one to start with. It's also the album with the Thor cover.
I have the Unchained EP...Anger is a cool little song, but I thought the rest of it was kind of poor...ManOwaR reject songs. Love the guy's image and concept though.

I'm downloading this song, but fuck me this transfer rate is slow...2.83 kb/s, and that's double what it was a few minutes ago (and will be when I hit reply) :loco: