Those ones

I started with Mc Hammer and stuff :cool:
then it was off to Aerosmith before finding out about Faith No More (which still remains personal #1 for me).
soon after came Pantera and Fear Factory and somewhere in between in the early days Offspring led me to these nu-punk bands like Pennywise and Bad Religion (ok, you really can't put BR in the same pile with other punkish bands I listened to) before I realised there was also other music around. Enter Depeche Mode and whatnot. Then came Korn and Deftones debut albums.
It was the combination of stuff above I listened to (minus mr. Hammer and the band with the guy with huge mouth :grin: ) a couple of years before borrowing Judgement from my mate.
Since those days I've found out about Scott Walker, Glen Campbell's early albums as well as Dusty Springfield and now I'm having a little thing with emo (dunno really how to catergorise albums I've listened to, might be that I'm wrong) after hearing bands like Thursday and Emery and stuff.

it's all changing according to my mood, but those were the turn points of my career as a music listener.