Thoughts from Round 2


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002

Other than At the Gates perhaps, not a single surprise from that round.

JayKeeley said:
Other than At the Gates perhaps, not a single surprise from that round.
Surprise? How could a forum that thinks Bathory is pure musical genius surpise anyone with their choices?

Kreator's "Coma of Souls" = rather ordinary Thrash
Evergrey's "Solitude Dominance Tragedy" = Dark Power Metal brilliance

Agreed. The best funeral doom album ever versus a pretty good naturistic Burzum-esque album. The choice is obvious.
Of course everyone here goes apeshit over Autumn Aurora for some reason, so I have a premonition that Drudkh is going to win. What a pity.

(I'm not suggesting that AA is bad, but it's been blown a little out of proportion around these parts.)
Judging by your comments and the scoreboard, this is turning more and more into a "Which band do you prefer"-thing instead of "Vote for the album you enjoy the most".

Twas sad to see Enslaved's "Vikingligr Veldi" losing to "Transilvanian Hunger". I like both, but "Vikingligr Veldi" is 11/10, whereas "Transilvanian" is only 9.5/10.
Henrik Main said:
Judging by your comments and the scoreboard, this is turning more and more into a "Which band do you prefer"-thing instead of "Vote for the album you enjoy the most".

Yeah I'm surprised at this too. I just don't get why some people insist on voting when they only know 1 out of the 2 bands or albums. I think it's more to do with not wanting to see your favourite band lose, or just spite towards the other band. JUST DON'T VOTE!!! :hypno:

I'd love to start a roundtable discussion on "Solitude Dominance & Tragedy" and see all 24 people that voted against it offer some indepth discussion. :Smug:
JayKeeley said:
Yeah I'm surprised at this too. I just don't get why some people insist on voting when they only know 1 out of the 2 bands or albums. I think it's more to do with not wanting to see your favourite band lose, or just spite towards the other band. JUST DON'T VOTE!!! :hypno:

Agreed (at least in theory, as I know how tempting it is to vote against a band/album I really don't like, but I try to prevent myself from doing so :p )

JayKeeley said:
I'd love to start a roundtable discussion on "Solitude Dominance & Tragedy" and see all 24 people that voted against it offer some indepth discussion. :Smug:

Well, here's the thing: I know it's all just a game, but it would be cool to see a tournament where it wasn't always the same ol' same ol' getting the kid glove treatment.

I'm just saying that if people were honest in their voting, you'd get cooler matchups in the later rounds and it would just make it more interesting and diverse. Like I said, even in this round, there were zero surprises to me. Oh well...
If you aren't allowed to vote against stuff you haven't heard I could record a fart, listen to it and throw it in the mix because it would win with my one against whatever's zero in every round
I've heard that Evergrey. Or maybe it was another album of theirs. I don't remember because it sucked shit.

Insightful, I know. :grin: