Thoughts on IHSAHN's The Adversary

Please, rate The Adversary 1-10

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    Votes: 2 8.7%
  • 7

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 8

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 9

    Votes: 5 21.7%
  • 10 - Superb!!!

    Votes: 3 13.0%

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S t a r E
Apr 27, 2002
ON, Canada
Visit site
:kickass: What....a.....fuck-ing......BEAUTIFUL.....album..........

:cry: I wept tears of joy at its GREATNESS! Man, please people, just rate the album because words here cannot even begin to convey how I feel about this album.

It was perfect from beginning to end and the fact GARM was even a guest vocalist on HOMECOMING made the album +++.

Thoughts, anyone?
I expressed my thoughts in the first thread that popped up about this.

In summary, I thought it was a solid release, with mediocre production and overall it doesn't stand up to the old Emperor stuff.

I expected the album to be good, but honestly, I was blown away.

I think many look at Ihsahn through his past work with Emperor, hence preventing themselves to appreciate "The Adversary" for what is it. Taken as a black metal album, yes, it's not as strong as neither Anthems or Nightside. Despite its influence into the genre, it's obviously not a black metal album.

As far as I'm concerned, this certainly come as one of the top albums released this year. Ihsahn is still called by the fire, don't doubt it.

@Alcapoth - I most certainly share your enthousiasm concerning the album. Amazing avatar you got there btw!
I gave it a 7. Some days I feel like it's a 6 though, and it NEVER feels like an 8. Good record though, I wish I had been able to give it a higher score, because I do respect Ihsahn immensely. 'Homecoming' is excellent though, Kristoffer provides a great performance.
Has anyone else noticed the (non-intentional) James Brown impersonation on Invocation? Always makes me laugh :lol:

It's a solid release, not amazing, yet not disappointing. Some really good riffs.
Why do people keep comparing it to Emperor??? I never once compared it to Emperor because I listened to it and it blew my mind for what it is, a MARVELLOUS fucking album with excellent musicianship showcased by Ihsahn and some fucking kick-ass melodic riffs and solos.

This is one heck of a complex album and in some ways, i like some stuff better here than on the almighty Anthems to the Welkin at Dusk. But again, for different reasons.

This isn't supposed to be Emperor, or else it wouldn't be called an IHSAHN album, but an Emperor one.

But the song Invocation and ESPECIALLY Citizon do showcase musicianship on the same level as Emperor did (the riffs are incredibly similar.)

People, you guys need to listen to the song Astera Ton Proinon yet again, because in all honesty, this is one fucking slaying tune. Ihsahn's vocals have never been more powerful. Probably the best song on the album imo. And does it sound like Emperor, hell no. It's more melodic than Emperor ever was.

Anyway, many of the metal critics seem to overall think it's a 9 (on average) from what I've read anyway. They seem to be more on the money here.
Technically I'd say the songwriting is superior to Emperor's stuff - the way he's weaving sounds in and out, building dynamics and using a wide range of styles. Its well-constructed music which is one of the things I've liked about his music.

But no question, its just not Emperor, not as much in the way of soaring melodies and fantastic imagery. Guess it doesn't have as much spirit maybe.