Thoughts on Ink Compatible


Dec 1, 2003
This has been the most hyped album in my mind, i've been anticipating it for so long, all the time expecting it to be better and better...and it lives up to every expectation, and maybe more, thankyou Ron, you've done it again :)
Awesome CD! I personally wish there was no vocals, but I just always expected Spastic Ink to be all instrumental. The performance from all players involved is nothing short of incredible...and Jeff Eber sounds like Jarzombek Jr! Definately the highlight of the album for me is Bobby Jarzombek's drumming. I can't even comprehend 90% of the beats that he does.
I thought the vocals would be more distracting than they are, but I think they fit in pretty well. The music is bloody fantastic, and I agree about Bobby's drumming; it's insane. The only complaint I have is the voice over stuff, like in Words For Nerds and Melissa's Friend. It's just too cheesy for me. Other than that; bloody fantastic disc. It'll be getting lots of spins from me.
Yeah, I agree on the vocals, I was a bit worried, but they seem to have made little difference (which is good)

I like the silly voice overs, puts a bit of a change of pace in, plus that www. bit had me giggling the first time i heard it
Yes I agree the vocals work really well, sounds like you had a lot of fun making the album. Agree that some of the voice overs are a bit cheesy, but this is only a small point.
I love the way Ron makes crazy guitar parts sound so musical.
I want a vocal/spoken word-free mix to be released. Soon.
Please, Ron, please. Really, I'm not against "change" just for the sake of "change", I'm against stuff I don't like, and I could very well see Spastic Ink with vocals, but not shitty vocals like these.
Yeah, I just got the CD recently, just gave it one spin for the moment. But I like it very much. The vocals don't annoy me a bit (the Melissa's Friend song sounds cool). I "wish" they'd do a few concert dates in Europe.
That would be fuck'n great!!!.. I'm just now recovering this year's Headway, and Tower did the most energetic and awesome I've ever seen live, and hope they did enjoy it as much as all fans did!! Yeah Ron, next year's Headway again man?? :hotjump:
I was worried about the vocals, but nah the album delivers perfectly is pure Spastic Ink with a bit of thrash (I wonder why? :loco: ).

'Words For Nerds' is awsomely funny and 'A Chaotic Realization Of Nothing Yet Misunderstood' have amonf the wittiest lyrics I have seen in a long time.

Thanks to Ron and company for another great album...may the next one take less time :D .

P.S Tattoed chest, bullet's belt, football shirts, lycra shorts... These prog performers, tsk, tsk, at this rate next thing will be chiffon, platform shoes and golden caps :lol:
This CD has been playing in my walkman constantly the past few days. I posted on Audiophile Imports chat site, bragging about the drumming on the new Ink and ruffled a few feathers by comparing Bobby Jarzombek to Vigil Donati. I don't know why the fusion guys can't accept the prog/tech/metal styles. But i'll bet theres alot of guys on this post that really don't relate to fusion (Chick Corea, Allan Holdsworth, Planet X, etc) . I just like it all, and tip my hat to all the greats, no matter what style they are
I like a lot of fusion, but I got into it after having been into metal and prog, so I'm not a fusion snob by any means. Personally, I think Jarzombek can outplay any fusion drummer I've heard; he's just insane. He's got the feel and timing of a fusion drummer with the chops of a death metal drummer; what a great combination.
For me both types of Drumming are excellent. I think people like Bobby are bringing more fusion into metal. Vigil rules, Bobby rules
You know, I envied all of you guys for having this Cd a month before I did. I waited longer so I could order it from Japan and get the bonus track, "A Quick Affix" (BTW, an excellent inst). I agree with the fact that the "spoken word" parts become overkill at times. I mean, I don't mind it at the beginning and end of songs, but in the middle?... you're trying my patience.

Anyway, It's been in my Cd player since Monday, and I still can't give an accurate review/interpretation of Ron's latest piece of work-and that's really the point isn't it? The only disappointment I might have had, is if it didn't take me at least 30 listens before I got into it. :worship: