Ron! About your project with thrash/death metal dudes


Bassist Member
Feb 12, 2002
Sao Paulo
Hello Ron! :wave:

I've read on a previous post that you're in a project with Alex Webster and Chris Adler! Are there any recent news on this??

What will it sound like?? We're all going crazy expecting that release! Coming from you it MUST BE a true masterpiece (again)! :headbang:

BTW, congrats for your work, I am a bassist and you're my all-time favorite guitarist. You rock. :worship:

Thanks again in advance! ;)

PS: Any possibility of Ink Compatible be released here in Brazil? That'd be AWESOME! :hotjump:
Alex and Chris are both currently on vacation, and will be back very soon (mid January). While they are taking some time off from hectic recording and touring schedules, I am in the middle of recording six songs for the new WatchTower album.

Here’s a clip of me recording a Mathematics track called “Humanity And Its Discontents”.

By coincidence, it all timed out just right. I needed a few weeks to record these Tower songs, and Alex and Chris needed to get away for a while.

Chris (Adler) has the CD-R with tunes that he’s listening to (for composing his drum parts), probably on the beach or wherever. I’m not sure where Alex (Webster) is vacationing either, but just before he took off a few weeks ago, we were sending tunes back and forth with CD-Rs, mp3s and music/tab sheets via email attachments. I wasn’t sure where the music was headed at first, but it’s becoming clearer...

The concept of the CD will be “brain inactivity”. We were looking for a topic that was “techy” and scientific, but would fit with music that was heavy, aggressive, dark, and scary. I’ve always been intrigued with what happens to the human body while sleeping, so I did a bit of a Google search and came up with lots of interesting themes, and possible song titles. A few are “Narcolepsy”, “Synaptic Plasticity”, “Oscillation Cycles”, "Night Terror", and “Brain Fingerprinting”. Some cool titles, huh??

Since the material will not have vocals, we will capture the song titles with music, very much like Ink did on “Ink Complete”, and I did on my solo CD “Solitarily Speaking…”

And so the music and concepts are coming together, but what do we call this project??!!

The Tower stuff does sound good. Thanx for the bone Ron. :headbang:

I like the name Spastic Lamb Corpse just for the visualization of what the CD artwork would depict and the fact that I don't have an original idea in my whole body. :D
Where did you hear that!!???!! LOL!!! I think I've told maybe 3 people about that...


Actually, I'm filing all of the tunes that I'm writing for the project under "Corpse Of Ink"...

Hello guys!

Ron, the Watchtower tune is just amazing, I can´t wait to hear the full album! And a question - the drums on this video are the real drums, or just MIDI drums?

And I also like a lot things related to human brain, our mind, etc., so I am passing to you some links (maybe you even already seen these sites), maybe they could be useful... Here they are:

In the last one you have lots of names to choose... :D
Thanks a lot for the reply, Ron! ;)

As for the project, of course it's gonna be amazing :D

And about 'Tower, that video is awesome! :D

By the way, you could create an "index" with all the files you have there on the Spastic Site which are "hidden" like that video!! :)
That new Tower tunes kicks much ass.... :headbang: I really hope Mathematics finally does see the light of day and if that bit in the video is any indication of the rest of the tunez, it's going to rule my metal world for years to come.... :worship:

Cool video! Makes me want to pick up the guitar and learn a Spastic riff (even though it's a Watchtower song).
Before Ron told of the CD concept I was thinking of proposing a song title: Stripped, Raped and Blotted.
What about..... R.E.M.! *joke drum roll*

For those who don't get the joke: R.E.M. (Rapid Eye Movement) is what they called the state you are in when you are dreaming in your sleep.

or: 'At Sova' which is faroese for 'to sleep'. Atsova... mmm

Or what about just 'Rapid Eye Movement'?
To kkv2...
I can only imagine that WatchTower will have a CD release "party" in San Antonio, Austin, and Houston. When will this happen? I have no idea.

We are gradually getting the recordings done for the next CD, so it's definitely happening. Doug is planning on coming to San Antonio to record his bass parts in a few weeks, and Jason will be recording soon after. Hopefully, WatchTower will be invited to a few festivals in the US so we can push the CD a bit. The local shows may serve as some sort of warm-ups...

To MardyAss...
R.E.M. is a possibility for a title, but it won't sound much like Michael Stipe and co., I guarantee!!...
man, i dont know about anyone else, but i am super exited about new watchtower, and i have complete faith that it will be completely awesome. thanks for continuing to rock Ron.