thoughts on the new Blind Guardian CD???

I got it yesterday. It's not bad, way better than the last two. There are things I don't like about it, primarily the mastering. The opening track is awful, it's a bunch of different parts thrown together with no rhyme or reason, and it's 9:28 long. They should have just used the first minute or so (the choir) as an intro and deleted the rest. "At the Edge of Time" is lame too, they should have thrown that out. The rest of the songs are pretty good, though. I'll probably get into it more by listening to it more, but that fucking mastering job is going to make it difficult. I agree with Pat on what the best songs are.
I got it yesterday. It's not bad, way better than the last two. There are things I don't like about it, primarily the mastering. The opening track is awful, it's a bunch of different parts thrown together with no rhyme or reason, and it's 9:28 long. They should have just used the first minute or so (the choir) as an intro and deleted the rest. "At the Edge of Time" is lame too, they should have thrown that out. The rest of the songs are pretty good, though. I'll probably get into it more by listening to it more, but that fucking mastering job is going to make it difficult. I agree with Pat on what the best songs are.

I'm just glad you didn't write a book about it.
Overall I'm pretty disappointed by it. A few great songs, but overall I found it to pretty much be a bore. Hopefully it grows on me with a few more listens, but right now I'm not a fan of it.
It's a snowy Sunday morning. Having just competing an artery clogging breakfast of fried bacon, sausage, hash browns and bread, I put on BTRM. The shovel awaits but now I'm enjoying their best album since Opera. Pompier than most of Magnum's releases.