Thousand Years of Opression

sin` d:P

New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2006
Hey guys, I'm new here. I abosolutely LOVE amon amarth. And I've got some interest in the history of thousand years of opression. Does anyone know what its telling? I'd like some background info if anyone has, thanks.
I think the first Part ist about Odin how he was hanging on the worldtree yggdrassill (for nine days) and get the runes. The second part is about the 1000 years the christianity is ruling the world/north europe and now, 1000 years after the berserks had to rise again (thats why the song's name is 1000 years of oppression^^).
I can tell you exactly what it's about, as I wrote the lyrics:
It is about me having a hissyfit.
That was the short version. What actually happened was, that I live in a very orthodox Christian community where I am continuously having to defend my faith (asatru). When my oldest daughter started school, the other parents would tell their kids to pick on my kid for my religion. I finally got incredibly mad one day, because I (naively) feel that children should be kept out of the quarrels of grown-ups, and I did not appreciate them being so nasty to my kid, who didn't even have a religion yet, based on my religion. If they were true Chriostians, they'd have understood that. I took all the anger that had built up over the years and I put it down inte an e-mail that I then sent to the one person I know truly understands me - my brother, Johan. I have never had to mince my words with him, because he understands what I mean even if my thoughts are not flowing nicely. He asked if he could use it, and I said yes, and that's how the song happened.
I was spitting mad, but I still stand by all the things I said, because they all apply. I believe that hate begets hate, but I also believe that I have the right to defend my child. That's where I draw the line and refuse to "turn the other cheek and bend like a reed" like a Christian should. I tried to point out some of the differences between me and "them", and I tried to let my love for my own faith shine through the anger, and I tried to explain to them what they did and what they are still doing to my child and me, but mostly I tried to belittle them the way they had belittled me and mine and I tried to cause as much pain to them as they had to me and mine. I was just so goddamn mad that I wanted to inspire the kind of fear in them that my ancestors put into the monks at Lindisfarne (the ones who inspired the lines "Save us, oh Lord, form the warth of the Norsemen").
If you have specific questions about specific sentences or the meaning of specific things in the lyrics I'd be happy to answer them, but that is the basic outline of what it means./ T.
Oh, and I'm glad you liked it, cus then I wasn't so mad for nothing. In any case, it would have been nothing if AA hadn't put the right music and the right arrangement to the words.
It happened quite the same to my father when he was a kid too, here in Italy; No comment about christians' behaviour, they're just the same everywhere in the world!:mad: :bah: I' ve always loved this song (both music and lyrics). Finally I can understand the true meaning of it and I love it more!
Hey Tyra, do you still have that original e-mail? That would make a really interesting comparison to the finished lyrics...

As far as I remember, the song is identical to the original e-mail, except for a few spelling mistakes that were added...creative license, I think that's called. LOL. That's why the thing is so damn long - as you know I am not good at keeping it brief!
Anyhow, it wouldn't be what it is without the music. Anyone can have a hissyfit, but it takes skill and enormous creativity to see something written and hear the sound it needs, and to understand how to use ones' voice to represent someone else's words in the spirit in which they were written. I don't want to take any credit for the song, because I did none of that. AA did that. I just got angry, and then someone turned that into a thing of beauty. That's art, and what I did was not art. What I did was a primal scream. It's what happens when mothers protect their young, and it's very sort of primordial ooze-ish.
Have any of the christians bothered you or your family since?
Not much, but not because of anything I did. Well, actually that's not true, cuz I guess I raised my daughter, and she was the one who told them (repeatedly) that she was a really nice, smart kid who they should all be so lucky to have as a friend, and she had done nothing to disrespect them and theirs, and she'd appreciate it if they could return the favour, "like Christians are supposed to, you know? It says in the Bible". Then she started to tell them off in kind when they tried it on, like "You know you're going to Hell cuz your mom lets you watch Harry Potter, right?" and she'd reply "Well, actually, your Pope has said...." and then burn them with language and thinking so mature they had to go home and ask their parents what she'd actually said. It's no fun to be humiliated in public by a seven-year-old, so they just gave up. She is Norse, after all, so persistence is a strong point for her. I guess when their kids refused to do their bidding for them because it made them look stupid, the parents finally had to start speaking to me directly about my godless ways, rather than trying to get to me through my kids. They did that once, and then it stopped, for good. Mind you, I have to admit that the school has backed me and my kids all the way, too. Now the school and the parents come to me and ask good questions and try to learn, all except for a handful ultra religious women who I think are scared of me (not because I am nasty or bully them or whatever, but because those who worship gods other than Jehova are the tools of Satan, which I understand can be a frightening thing for them). They will just stay as far away from me and mine as possible, and almost pee their pants if I smile and wish them a good morning, like I always do to everybody. In the meantime, my daughter has proven her point by staying true to the Norse ways (being loyal, standing up for her friends and her kin, being respectful of others and so on) over time. Even an idiot can see that she is a really nice, smart kid who they should all be so lucky to have as a friend, and she will do nothing to disrespect them and theirs, and she deserves it that they return the favour.
Having said all that, I may have rocked the boat recently when I threatened to send my kids to school with their scrama seaxes, since the Sikh kids get to wear their kirpans to school now. I did that to point out that religious freedom means freedom for all religions, but I do realize that things like that very easily land in my kids' laps.
Thanks, Krigly Bigly. Sometimes I wonder if I am doing things right, as I feel that I am making their life more difficult by introducing them to "alternate ways of thinking". I guess that's partially why it feels like oppression, you know, the part where I am always having to be twice as good as everybody else so they see no fault in me, or my kids don't get any "playdates" for three months (no lie). And that really blows, because I want them to be happy. At the same time, I must teach them that they are respected by demanding respect for myself and them. I cannot do that by hiding my beliefs, and I believe in teaching by setting an example. If they see me demand respect, they see how I do it, they will know how it's done when they are faced with intolerance etc.
Its so sad to hear that some cristian ppl really want to force their believe on other persons with alternative thinking. You did very well by defending your kids so furious Tyra :).

I always thought that Thousand years was a very good song, but the background of the lyrics now just makes it thusand times better.
wow... didn't know it was that deep :p sweet
love the song so god damn much, so much meaning and heart and soul
the lyrics and the melody uplifts me :)
Its so sad to hear that some cristian ppl really want to force their believe on other persons with alternative thinking. You did very well by defending your kids so furious Tyra :).

I always thought that Thousand years was a very good song, but the background of the lyrics now just makes it thusand times better.

My words!!! very impressive story....
Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!
That song often gives me shivers, but I had no idea that the historic reference was so immediately inspired by something that happened in your own life. Very cool!