Thrash band full length album I done - real drums and amps and no samples


May 29, 2010
well , the band is named "The new order" though they gonna change the name... They are mixing their doubt album (which includes 11 songs)

they recorded drums - realy nice kit , and amps (dual rec + 5150)

I didnt used any samples at all - just trigger a bit in the kick.

Its one of their songs named "knife in a gun fight".
Its not final mix yet , but it close..

hope you like it :)
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Lead vocals are maybe a little dry when they it is "clear" singing... Not sure about the click, a little too clicky for the genre? Nice sounding guitars you got here, bass could GROAR a little more? I'll come back when I'll be on proper monitors... So you can tell me to stfu until then. :p
Very nice, the vocals are maybe a tiny bit too loud though. No biggie (not even sure if it needs to be changed), sounds good already - perfect for the genre. I like that it has that old school sound with a modern twist, without being all over-produced. I don't like over-produced thrash at all (Andy Sneaps mixes are awesome though).
thanks guys :)

I dont think the vocals need to be that big and over produced.. after all its thrash and it fits that way..
about the click maybe you are right I will check it