Thrash Metal...Help...Please.

Jul 6, 2014
San Antonio, Texas
Yeah. Just being honest I am trying to expand my mind musically. I barely understand metal as it is, but I would like to hear some thrash metal band's. I know most of the basics, but maybe you can recommend me one of your favorite bands or an album or something. Sorry I don't know anything about it :waah:

Thanks in advance.
Some of my favourite Thrash Metal albums:

Anacrusis - "Suffering Hour"
Coroner - "R.I.P."
Détente - "Recognize No Authority"
Hexenhaus - "A Tribute To Insanity"
Mortillery - "Murder Death Kill"
Sacrilege (UK) - "Behind The Realms Of Madness" + "Within The Prophecy"
Voivod - "Killing Technology"
Znowhite - "Act Of God"

Even though it's not a "pure" Thrash Metal album, also check out "Within The Veil" by Fear Of God.
When it comes to Thrash I just listen to the typical stuff. Old Slayer and Metallica. You can't go wrong with either. Sadus -a vision of misery is very good. First two Annihilator albums.
Yeah check out early Sadus and early Sodom. Also, Vio-Lence - Eternal Nightmare.
Tanakard - Beast Of Bourbon
Violator - Scenarios Of Brutality
Municipal Waste - The Art Of Partying
Power Trip - Manifest Decimation
Overkill - The Years Of Decay

These should be easy to get into.