thrash metal mix, comments please

Nice mix. I like the east thrashy vibe. It sounds like this style have to sound.

I am from Bulgaria and I am very happy to hear such great thrash from Serbia!

"History calls us to complete our fate
Win this war or perish before it’s all too late
Calling us to go, in blaze of glory die
Foul smell of napalm, flames soon will purify"

This one rocks!
:rock: :rock: :rock:

P.S. It will be great if you find a better place to upload your mixes, may be more people will hear em.
Thanx man, happy to hear support from the neighbourhood.
Can you recommend me some better place to upload my mixes?
I'm new in this stuff so it would be very helpful if i can hear someone else's opinion... or critic... or advice... anyone?
Absolutely love the song!! You guys should team up with Negligence from Ljubljana for some serious bayarea madness! Great stuff, bravo!
Overall, I think it's a nice mix, but I think there are things that can be improved unless you are aiming for that specific old-school thrash sound (which in my opinion is ...well, a bit old :rolleyes: )

Starting with the bass guitar, it lacks highs and presence and has a lot of those low-mids or lows that, I personally find unpleasant. Guitars sounds a bit as if they've been recorded in a box or at least a bad-sounding room with no acoustic treatment. I would also replace the snare or at least blend it whith Andy's sample. Otherwise good job, the mix is pretty much balanced :)
@KnifeVariable: Lepo pozdravljen! Is there a rule in this forum about speaking only in English or not? If not, it's stupid to me to speak English with you, but for now I will.
For about six months ago I am having a dreaming plan, after we release our first album(early summer), to make an ex-YU thrashing tour with Negligence(and maybe one more similar band from the region), it would be realy great, but there will be time, and we will contact some of them in the near future.
Thanx for the support! Thrash 'till death!

@Shadow_Walker: First, thanx for the critics. I was aiming a bit old school thrash sound because that's the vibe of the band. About the bass guitar(me playing :)), you are absolutely right, i will correct it next time. With guitars I'll try somthing better to do, but for now I'am satisfied with them, and about the snare, where to find Andy's semple and how to replace it? With drumagog maybe? I realy don't know that.
and about the snare, where to find Andy's semple and how to replace it? With drumagog maybe? I realy don't know that.

Yep, use drumagog or aptrigga :) I can't remember the link for the samples though, sorry. Try searching the forum.