My band mix, please comments


New Member
Hi everyone!!! I am new here but I´ve always check Andy´s Forum because I am a truly fan of Andy Sneap work and one day, my dream will be send my band materials to Andy puts his fucking talent over it...

This will happen if my band get signed with a Major one day, and I believe in this. So, I am a producer of a band from Brazil called União and I would like to invite all heavy metal fans and Andy fans to check my work with my band... Then, I try to put my Andy influences there and I hope you enjoy guys, and if Andy get listen too, one of my dreams becomes true!!!

Check this link

If you prefer, you can check our official band page too

Write your comments, gear questions, etc... I will answering ok
Cheers guys :kickass:
not to bad, recording sounds pretty nice please share some info on what you used to record them???

And welcom to the fourm as im pretty new too but there is all kinds of wisdom here and i love reading how everyone goes about things :rock:
Hi Broken 81, how are you?
Thats cool tha you were the first to show interesting to talk with me...
So, to record rhythm guitars, was used a soldano, Gibson Tony Iommi signature custom and King of Birds (drive pedals). To record guitar solos was used Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier (combo) Peavey 5150 into Marshall 4x12, King of Birds (drive) OCD (booster) Wah Wah Full Tone Choralflange (Chorus / Flanger), a Gibson 1969 custom and OLP guitar. Two shure sm57 mics...
Thanx a lot buddy!!!:kickass:
The gear is very important to get a great result and of course, good musicians too. All depends of a good studio , visit where we recorded and....Heavy Metal is GUITAR ALWAYS, AND i TRY TO GET A NICE JOB sounding powerfull and heavy, and Gibson Tony Iommi was very important to reach this, the pick ups are fuck and mahogany body you will get the heavy that you are looking for...

For me, the difference its about Mic position, and it´s one of the best thinks to do to get this too, so when the point the 57 directly at the centre of the cone, straight on, about an inch back from the grill cloth. I usually move it about half to 3/4" off centre so the edge of the 57 is aiming at the edge of the centre of the cone.

This I followed what Andy preachies about and you will get a nice heavy and the mids are where a good tone is.

For the drums, we recorded all accoustic first and then I used sound replacer to get a nice drums sound and filtering the overheads out from 500/ 600 hz down