Thrash metal-Real drums, quick mix. My first REAL job as mixer. Feedback/approvation!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

Quick mix done in less than half an hour, quick mastered... I need to know if I'm going the right way as I ended up being happy with the mix way too early to be accurate... :err:

The band wanted a Nevermore - TGE approach, so I tried to get close as much as possible (they tune in Eb and there's no Jeff Loomis or Warrel Dane in the band...)

So, I ask the only people I'd trust mixwise: the UM forum guys :D

Buff.....nothing to say to you, just a poor vocal makes me laugh those bands that want to sound like another, and they have nothing similar, like TUNNING! or RIFFING, and also they want the album of the year at bitch´s price...
Guitars sound pretty good but I really think you should branch out a bit with the drums.. you use the exact same drum samples on every single mix these days :/

Timing is quite off at some points.. is this the band that didn't record with a click?
Overall I thought the song sounded good.
There is a slight issue with the tightness of the timing.
I liked the power chord tone and would be interested to know what amps and mics were used.
I think it sounded great. Vocals are great but they seem just badly written to fit with the music.

What is their myspace?
Full song, destroy it!! you run.mp3

@Alex: Yeah, you know, they're close friends... bitch price is not an issue atm...
@Morgoe: Yes, this is the band that didn't record to a click... and I use the same samples because I don't have any better! :lol:
@ScotBaloo: Thanks! Yeah, timing is an issue here, but they don't want me to quantize anything cuz it gives "the natural feel" :erk:. It's SoloC>8505>Catharsis' off axis mic high presence.
@thefyn: thanks!! About the vocals, i think it's just a matter of taste :p

Cheers! :kickass:
I think it's fucking awesome hearing a band that doesn't have to tune to Z# to be metal.

Sounds good. The vocals remind me of when me and friends get drunk and do 80's covers.
great job! i would not have guess that you are using impulses and virtual amps for guitars. i like the way the drums came out, especially the overheads, are they samples or are they miced?

also, when you say you are using soloc and 8505, are you using a different amp sim for each take, like soloc on the right and 8505 on the left?
man :) great guitars... what kind of guitar you used... so you prefer soloC insted of tss... i must try that... hey whats that snare sample? it sounds great... kick is great too, whole drums are :) great job...
i have trouble when replacing drums cause they get pretty turned down or buried... snare and kick especialy... so i was curious to know is that cause of my mixing or am doing something wrong with my drumagog or maybe i have a bad sample... but i use andys snare from this forum... sohuld i do something more in drumagog then just blend it with audio... i hope i dont ask too much :) all best