Looking for Mix Feedback & Mastering: Real Drums + Amp Sims


New Metal Member
Apr 25, 2011
Hi everyone,

I’m currently mixing my band’s first EP and feel kind of stuck right now. My ears are tired of the music, the original signals weren’t really good, I don’t have a lot of experience in mixing (always just did my own band’s songs) and only have a pair of headphones for mixing at the moment. Regarding the circumstances, I am quite pleased with how the sound has turned out so far. Now I’m looking for other ears to get some advice on how to further improve the mix.

The Mix+ Provisorical Mastering:
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3797259/Cold Room/EP Mixing/Beta_Master.mp3

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3797259/Cold Room/EP Mixing/Beta_Mix.mp3

Here is some information about the recordings, for those who are interested:
The drums are real (there is ca. 25% sample replacement on kick and snare, because else they sounded so washy) and were recorded in our rehearsal room (no accoustic treatment, but I’ve heared worse). The drumkit is an old Tama Rockstar, with EC2 Clear Heads on the toms and an Emperor X on the snare drum. It’s quite beaten up and detuned all the time. One of the cymbals was also broken -.- OHs were Rode NT-5, Kick was Audix D6 inside and Rode NT-2A outside. The toms were a T-Bone CD 55, two Audix D2 and an D4, Snare Top was a DAP PL-07 and at the bottom another CD55. I mic’ed the HiHat and Ride with some Behringer C2s and the Room with two T-Bone SC400s.

The guitars and bass are all Amplitube. RHs are Orange Thunderverb and Mesa Boogie Rectifier, using one of the metal cabs mic’ed up with an SM57 and a R121, both equidistant from the speaker (right in the center, but with quite some distance to the cab). The leads are mostly Thunderverb. The bass is from the Ampeg SVX collection.

The vocals were recorded with an Rode NT-2A. Unfortunately I was not present during the recording and the vocal signals are somewhat less than perfect. Next time we should definitely use some kind of dampening to get a dryer, more direct vocal signal.

I’d be really interested to know what you think and to get some advice, on how to improve the mix.

We’re also looking for someone to master the songs (currently it’s my provisional mastering chain, but I’d prefer if another pair of ears would give it a shot). Hit me up with your rates and some references if you’re interested. We don’t really have a lot of money, since we are all students, therefore we can probably not afford professional mastering. But well, the rest of the production is low budget as well ^^#
Take this with many many grains of salt, as I'm not a pro by any stretch of the imagination, but here's a few observations:

- The Provisional Mastering one adds a certain crispiness that IMO isn't necessary.
- There's sections in the chorus 1:09 - 1:20 / 2:01 - 2:13 where the rhythm guitars get a bit lost in the mix. This might be partly a stylistic thing, because you seem to be going for an eternal/surreal/spacious sound, but IMO they could use a pinch more definition in those areas. This might be related to my next point:
- The lead guitars are taking a bit too much center space. They almost feel more grounded than the rhythm guitars at some points. I'd try playing with reverbs / panning a bit more.
Maybe add a bit more low end to the rhythm guitars and cut some out of the leads.
- Lastly, I'd try to glue the bass and guitars a bit more (Maybe a bit more low end on the rhythm guitars would solve that ).

Again. Grains of salt.

And do note that I'm being very nitpicky and thorough.

I'm very much digging both the song and the production. Awesome stuff!
Thank you for your feedback, it's highly appreciated. I'm happy that you like the song!

I don't mean to use this forum for advertisement, but in case you would like to hear more of us, you could follow our Facebook page. There is not much online yet, but we'll release our 5-Song-EP soon, as well as a video to another song. Also we are already working on the album :)



I think your critique is spot on. Those are clearly the main problems of the mix and now I am aware of them as well. Thank you so much, I am really thankful for that kind of critique, it's invaluable to me.

https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/3797259/Cold Room/EP Mixing/7. Version - MIX.mp3

I changed the following things:
- Left out the mastering, since it was too HiFi-sounding anyway
- Removed some small peaks in the 1-6 KHz area of the rhythm guitars, that made them a little stingy and clouded the high-end
- Moved the highpass on the RHs from 150 to 80 Hz, to give the rhythm section more glue in the low-end
- Put a 50Hz highpass on the bass (12db steep) and the drums (24db steep) to clean up the sub-bass a little.
- Increased the Parallel Compression on the drums for more aggression
- EQed the clean vocals to better carry through against the RHs
- Panned the center leads 50% left and right

I am still uncertain about the following:
- Was taking out the highs from the RHs a good idea? They sound less aggressive to me
- If only one of the leads is playing, this makes one of the sides of the mix louder. I'm not sure if I like this. Is there any other alternative to making space for the vocals? We could maybe double the lead, but I don't know if that's really an improvement.

Also any critique in general is really appreciated, it brings me a step forward everytime.

Thank you!
I actually like it, and think it sounds solid. The things I would change are more personal opinion/preference stuff.

And this reminds me of what Swallow The Sun would sound like if it got drunk and had unprotected sex with Omnium Gatherum that was recorded, and then it's iCloud got hacked and photos and videos were released on reddit.
Big improvement, I'd say.

- Rhythm guitars don't sound less aggressive to me, though the highs on them weren't bothering me either.
- You could leave the leads in the middle (or panned very softly) and use reverb to lift them up in the mix, or something like the Doubler plugin from Waves, or a Stereo Expander.

Best of luck!

P.S.: your Facebook link is missing an "i".
Just wanted to let you guys know what the final product sounds like now:

You can listen to our entire 5-Song EP on our homepage: www.thecoldroom.de
And/or follow us on our facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/thecoldroomofficial

And thanks again for your feedback! In the end we reamped the guitars through a Laney Ironheart Preamp, but still - the DIs were too low-quality for a proper result.
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