thrash metal vocal collaboration please read


Mar 15, 2007
Mannheim, Germany
I thought this forum is quite lacking in old school thrash, so I'm looking for some thrash metal shouters who still dig this genre ;)
This is a song I recorded for a project and I need some vocals for demo usage and stuff. The song is called "shot to pieces" and you'll find the lyrics below. You can stick to the time marks in the word document, or experiment on your own, as long as it's going to sound brutal :D
I'm not a native speaker so don't be too harsh, but feel free to correct me where ever necessary!
I'm really looking forward to this track, so please if you're into it, give it a try!
If you don't want to contribute, you could still give some tips on playing, arrangment, mix etc. Please keep in mind this won't be the final mix ;)

song (sorry wma only, if you need something eles, please post it):

lyrics: to pieces.doc

bpm is 100 0'00'' to 0'57''600''' from there on it's 195
I'll give it a shot too.

EDIT: my influences might make my vocals a little less desirable.
But I'll give it a shot anyway.