Thrash of the Titans 2??

The saYer

Aug 17, 2003
bay area
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I heard this rumor in my regular um forum, anybody know anything about it?

Supposedly it is another benefit for cancer, for another patient.

Is it a rumor?

I heard it will be a tour. :confused:

Walter Morgan, one of the organizers behind the legendary August 2001 "Thrash of The Titans" benefit concert for Chuck Billy of TESTAMENT, has announced plans for "Thrash of The Titans 2". The festival, which is scheduled to take place in October, will be a benefit for "a kid with cancer and his family," according to Walter. "Last night, I went to TESTAMENT practice and the band, the father of the kid, Reality Check TV and me did some photos for the press release, so it's on. Now the other bands will start confirming. Wait 'till you hear the lineup! Some surprises for sure — a hell of a Halloween show (tentatively). I was asked to be a part of the 'Thrash of The Titans' staff, [but] I'm not the organizer this time round (the father of the kid [is]), but I'll do my best to help and give my advice. 'Thrash of The Titans' stands for helping people through Thrash Metal Titans... and that's what everyone will get!"

The original "Thrash of The Titans" concert took place in August 2001 in San Francisco and featured performances by HEATHEN, FORBIDDEN EVIL (a.k.a. FORBIDDEN), FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, SADUS, ANTHRAX, S.O.D., DEATH ANGEL, EXODUS and TESTAMENT/LEGACY. Reality Check TV's coverage of the event is still available for free streaming at this location (28 minutes, Windows Media player required).
Edgecrusher666 said:

Walter Morgan, one of the organizers behind the legendary August 2001 "Thrash of The Titans" benefit concert for Chuck Billy of TESTAMENT, has announced plans for "Thrash of The Titans 2". The festival, which is scheduled to take place in October, will be a benefit for "a kid with cancer and his family," according to Walter. "Last night, I went to TESTAMENT practice and the band, the father of the kid, Reality Check TV and me did some photos for the press release, so it's on. Now the other bands will start confirming. Wait 'till you hear the lineup! Some surprises for sure — a hell of a Halloween show (tentatively). I was asked to be a part of the 'Thrash of The Titans' staff, [but] I'm not the organizer this time round (the father of the kid [is]), but I'll do my best to help and give my advice. 'Thrash of The Titans' stands for helping people through Thrash Metal Titans... and that's what everyone will get!"

The original "Thrash of The Titans" concert took place in August 2001 in San Francisco and featured performances by HEATHEN, FORBIDDEN EVIL (a.k.a. FORBIDDEN), FLOTSAM AND JETSAM, SADUS, ANTHRAX, S.O.D., DEATH ANGEL, EXODUS and TESTAMENT/LEGACY. Reality Check TV's coverage of the event is still available for free streaming at this location (28 minutes, Windows Media player required).
Sorry, but that is grossly inaccurate and should have never made BLABBERMOUTH.
I see, blabbermouth playing with our emotions!!
at least it is not as exaggerated as when they made me believe I would go to the thrashfest 2, even made me and my buds buy 3 tickets just to find out nothing was ever official, and it would never be.
If there is a TOTT2 how about Laaz Rockit actually showing up this fucking time! Then i will pay anything to go see them. Laaz Rockit & Testament would be the perfect show in my opinion.