Thrashy Leftovers


Austrian Blech Machine
Aug 21, 2009
Vienna, Austria

I borrowed a bass today, no pitched down fake guitar anymore :D old ass strings on the bass though

I also recorded a REALLY quick try at the vocals, but after 2 days of bandpractice my voice didn't get any sounds a bit weak, but better than nothing I guess...
it allready was 9pm when I did them, so it's literally a 1st take, because I live in a flat and my neighbours are nice :lol:
also just the verse and break till now, the "chorus" would have been to much to do during the night/evening^^
Felix: you may recognize a tribute to your project in the lyrics ;)
also tweaked the leads a bit, as nuno stated they were quite thin


Cheers guys,

I worked on some short thrashy stuff these days, mainly just putting together some leftover riffs, and mixed it with the template for my bands album.
I also wanted to record some vocals today but my voice is fucked (cheers Carlos ;) ) so its instumental for now.

It was the first time I used my Epiphone with the new pickups (EMG81-TW & EMG89) instead of my ESP with EMG81 and I think the sound I set on the Tonelab fits the simple 81 better but fuck it....
also bear in mind that I still havent got a bass at home so its just a pitched guitar right now.
Drums are programmed SD2 with 50% slate on the snare and the kick is a mixture of different samples

I hope I can post another finished song for my bands album soon enough, still got plenty of recording to do...

cheers Marco
fuck YEAH dude!!!

That break at :40 almost made me punch myself! hahahaha

Would love to hear this with vocals ... but I know the story with that ;)

Drums are punchy as hell and I love the guitar tone ... killer riffs:headbang:
These are probably the best drums i have heard coming from SD2 so far.. amazing sounding, round and punchy.. nice one!
fuck YEAH dude!!!

That break at :40 almost made me punch myself! hahahaha

Would love to hear this with vocals ... but I know the story with that ;)

Drums are punchy as hell and I love the guitar tone ... killer riffs:headbang:

Haha thanks Carlos, is it a good thing if you want to punch yourself? :lol:
Glad you like the Guitaretone, it seems to be a HATE or LOVE tone though haha
I'll try the vocals when I'll do some other stuff ;)

Awesome job man! Sounds killer!
Sounds fucking good man!
sounds cool man diggin it!
Sounds very aggressive. Great stuff!

Thanks dudes, I really appreciate it!

These are probably the best drums i have heard coming from SD2 so far.. amazing sounding, round and punchy.. nice one!

I hope I was clear enough at the beginning, in case you or I got something wrong:
OH and TOMS are 100% SD2
Snare is 50% SD2 and 50% Slate
Kick has nothing to do with SD2 or SSD at all, its a mix of at least 3 different kicks

everything together is more than 50% SD2 though :lol:


Killer riffage!!!!

Thanks a heap Jaymz, you made me want to thrash around, after some listening to your great EP ;)

This deserves some vocals man. Cool song.

I wouldnt consider it "song" allready because its a bit short to be one, but maybe with vocals it gets some sort of song-character! Thanks man!

I really hope I can pull off some decent angrybear vokillz after the weekend hehe
Awesome you bastard:heh: My only complain goes to the lead guitar! Sounds really thin.


I've been thinking to replace the leadguitar with some string action or so, bacause it sounds quite flate but upfront anyoing to me...I guess something about the highmids.
the lead guitar was the last thing I mixed and did't use too much time (it even sounded worst after my first EQ try lol)
thanks for checking it out buddy :D

I borrowed a bass today, no pitched down fake guitar anymore old ass strings on the bass though

I also recorded a REALLY quick try at the vocals, but after 2 days of bandpractice my voice didn't get any sounds a bit weak, but better than nothing I guess...
it allready was 9pm when I did them, so it's literally a 1st take, because I live in a flat and my neighbours are nice
Felix: you may recognize a tribute to your project in the lyrics
also tweaked the leads a bit, as nuno stated they were quite thin
I really like the voice. The updated version sounds better but there is something a bit annoying in the high midrange of that sound. It´s not cutting through the mix very well.
Thanks dudes, but I think it sounds like ass tbh...I know I can do MUCH better, but my voice/throat doesn't do what I want these days...really annyoing, as I want to get a few other things done too.
Nuno: do you mean the voice or the leads? I still struggle with bouth in the mix I think
gonna make me some milk with honey now...fucking heavy metal haha
The voice is cool and sitting well in the mix. I was talking about the lead guitar. Milk dude? A heavy metal man doesnt drink milk, always beer :heh: