
Weird... no one replied yet?

The song is very good! i think the snare is too low in volume, and could use more presence in the form of a EQ boost or compression...

The drums are too low in volume compared to the guitars, that should be sorted out...

lovin the synth stuff!! i am a big skyfire fan, i take it you are too from looking at the MP3 title?
Thank you. I also came to realize the snare sounded too low in certain parts, at least. I don't know if I agree about the overall drum volume but there are parts where I'd like the kick to come through more etc. So I will definitely tweak them some.

Actually I don't listen to skyfire, I knew I'd heard the name somewhere before though. Maybe I should.

The piano is a piano synthesizer VST called Pianoteq, and the synths and bass are all done through Sytrus, which is part of FLStudio, but this also comes in a VST version.