Three questions about Warrel Dane...

  • Thread starter the guy from the place with the thing
  • Start date

the guy from the place with the thing

1-How old is he?
(I know it is completely irrelevant but whatever...)

2-Is it true Jon Schaffer asked him to play for Iced Earth?

3-Is it true Chuck(from Death) wanted him to sing in Control Denied?
(That would have kicked ass, warrel and chuck are both brilliant musicians and could have created something like Demons and Wizards)
1.he is not least 5 years younger
2.don't think so
3.he did and warrel wanted to but he was preparing a nevermore album at that time...Warrel and chuck were good friends with great respect for each other
4.your name is indeed fucking long! :p
T told me that he is 36.

I know that Chuck asked him to join Control Denied.

And if i was Jon Schaffer i would ask him to join I.E. Of course if i was WD i would refuse, but i am neither Schaffer, nor WD.
1. 41
2. for a side time (and Jon's a prick)
3. yep