I need to know how much of you people really dig what they are saying in their songs? Do not want to insult anyone, only want to know how much of you really hear the songs, not just listen to them...

Metal regards!
Well it depends on the song, depends on the mood and many other things

Clearly Threshold write lyrics with a lot of thought but I have always found that the listener can more or less get what they want out of the tracks. I'm never going to be in the same place as the lyricist when each track was written but for sure there are many lyrics that have deeper resonance than others. And I am sure that is true for most other listeners, particularly those that come here. But equally there are tracks that are just a blast to listen to.

Threshold normally have something to say but you can just enjoy the song without having to worry too much about the message. As the notes to Paradox say, they don't write about dragons and wizards. The listener can choose to take on the meaning if they choose.

I often find the most meaningful lyrics for me are those that are sat within a more satisfying framework of music, and the two complement each other. And despite knowing the lyrics, I can still surprise myself when I read them from the sleeve notes. I guess that's what makes the tracks so listenable over a long period of time, that you can continue to discover new things.
I agree with you on the terms of listening, in order to get what you want from a tune, you first need to listen to it, one time, couple times, a zillion times :)
I'm aware of that, I'm just saying that, for me, a metal song in many cases is a kind of revelation...Someone else is trying to reach you and tell you something, educate you in some way...I noticed that I have reached a level where I can relate myself to a song and its theme, generating a message of my own, even if it's not strictly the artist's idea...

All in all Threshold is, from that point of view, one of the most revealing and self-awakening bands I've come across to hear!

Metal Regards!
I'm aware of that, I'm just saying that, for me, a metal song in many cases is a kind of revelation...Someone else is trying to reach you and tell you something, educate you in some way...I noticed that I have reached a level where I can relate myself to a song and its theme, generating a message of my own, even if it's not strictly the artist's idea...

Threshold have meaningful words which show them to be good guys and spiritually seeking. I can listen to the lyrics without having my intellect insulted. I don't agree with all the lyrics (e.g. re-incarnation) but I believe they are sincere.
In my limited experience of Metal, the lyrics are usually embarrassingly stupid or childish or depraved. Threshold are refreshingly uplifting.
A good musician isn't automatically a good songwriter, but Threshold are both.
Thanks for sharing your opinion, appreciate it man! One of the things that I'm trying to say in my previous posts are just that - Threshold is a group of people bonded by life and it's paths! They relate to them and write what they are experiencing! After all that is what we all do in our own way, interact with this horrifying yet beautiful thing called existence!

Metal Regards!
In my limited experience of Metal, the lyrics are usually embarrassingly stupid or childish or depraved. Threshold are refreshingly uplifting.
A good musician isn't automatically a good songwriter, but Threshold are both.

OH man you have no idea how much I agree with that statement you have just made! :cool:

IT IS SO TRUE. In my humble opinion the lyrics written by most metal bands (Power Metal bands being mostly to blame) are just painful to read and listen too.

Lyrics ARE so important, yet most musicians seem to think that they are the just last ingredient that needs no attention to detail, thusly they sound half baked. I've heard it said so often by my peers and audience that "people do not care about the lyrics"

hmmm that is not strictly true!

Well said....
I also think that lyrics are a very important element in music, and are to a strong degree what IMO make Threshold different and special. Almost all their songs are about environmental, social critical or spiritual issues of mankind without ever sounding patronizing or clichéd or even tacky, which is very unique and much better than what the majority of other bands sing about. Like this, Threshold can even get away with their few love-songs that they have, as even they have a certain depth. I never was fond of ‘I cannot live without you’ or ‘raise the sword of steel’ lyrics and so have found reflected in Threshold lyrics the very things that are on my own mind a lot, too.
It just feels so much better listening to music that speaks your own heart!

If we can somehow menage to insinuate the world with Threshold music and lyrics, it would be a much better place!

Yes, that's so true. Our world needs that message now more than ever, needs waking up!

It seems to me though that many people who are into metal music are not generally into substantial, meaningful lyrics, and people who would be, are not into metal. Or am I completely wrong there? :loco:

Everything you said was so revealing as if you spoke right through my mind...
Glad to have come across someone who gets the picture, and shares my interest in understanding the lyrics!
Hope to hear from you again!

Metal Regards!