Threshold Set List


Feb 11, 2002
New York
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I can't express how much i am loooking forward to Threshold this year. Unfortunately they are only getting 1 hr which will mean less of the classic Damian era songs. Do you guys think they will do 2 songs from Wounded Land and maybe 1 from Extinct? If they at least did that, i would be happy. However, with such an extensive catalog, it seems that will be tough.

I mean how could we not hear Paradox and Surface to Air. I realize they have to play at least 2-3 off the new album and at least 1 each off of Subsurface, Critical Mass, Hypothetical, and Clone. 1 Hr. is just not enough time.

Damian, please play Keep It With Mine acoustic. What a beautiful song; sends chills down my spine every time i hear it. What an amazing voice. This is definitely going to be special.
I'm not sure if they've been doing Paradox on this tour, but they were doing Sanity's End and recently added Surface To Air to the setlist. I agree, one hour just isn't enough time for these guys; I'd love to see them come back to headline the showcase next year.
Did y'all read my interview with Threshold keyboardist Richard West? He pretty much spelled out what songs they'd play -- and I even tried to bribe them to play "Keep It With Mine."

I, too, am looking forward to Threshold's set. I've always liked that band. Their latest album is incredible. With Damian on vox it should be even more remarkable performed live.

Thanks Bill! Great interview, and very nice to get the update in there about Mac quiting and Damian stepping in. I'm super excited about the show, and I hope they will indeed devote the time to play the old Damian-era songs they've rehearsed for the tour.
I am really looking forward to Threshold's set this year. Even if it is only for 1 hour. I agree they should come back next year and headline the Showcase!!

As for what songs they will play, well I believe there will be at least 4 from Dead Reckoning... It's a great album, no doubt. The rest is up in the air, but I think Damian will do a fine job. I've seen clips of them doing "Elusive" and he sounds great. I think they also had "Exposed" in a few of their set lists....