Threshold !!!!


New Metal Member
Nov 7, 2002
The Last Frontier
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Wow... those guys kicked it big time! I had high hopes for their set & they didn't disappoint. Except, I could have gone for another 45 mins with them and would have been thrilled to death. And, Johanne, the drummer, that dude was a show just by himself. He was easily the most talented drummer at the show, hands down.:yow:
They did put on a really good show, but I was pretty tired so I couldn't get into them that much. I could tell the whole crowd loved them. I mainly watched the drummer who was amazing. I do think, however, that he was a bit excessive with twirling his drumsticks in the air. It was pretty cool the first time or two.
Threshold indeed kicked ass! The drummer was absolutely amazing... everyone I talked to later about them, well, that was either their or my first comment: "Did ya see that drummer?" :) I also thought Mac sounded even better live. I'm consistently surprised by these guys that sound great on the record, and then blow me away even further live. (see also Daniel Gildenlöw :))

I had the obscene pleasure of meeting Jon Schaffer and getting a picture with him before the set so I was elated and I didn't quite know what to expect. Threshold got on stage and rocked the place. Mac had great stage prescence and he shook my hand while on stage and singing, then at the autograph signing, REMEMBERED ME! That was pretty amazing :D :D
I've liked Threshold for a while now and was overjoyed to see them on the bill! I was hoping that they would be well-recieved, I would hate it if they were a disappointment to the core of the genre fans! Man I had no idea that they would absolutely slay all! :headbang: I like these guys more now than I did before! I had a hard time finding them during the signing though :s

As I wrote in my review, they were my surpise of the weekend. I had heard three songs by them, but live they were unbeliveable. I went out and bought 'Hypthetical' and "Clone". I hope I made good choices.

Yes, the drummer was what I noticed as well. He was so agressive. To me, he stood out as the best drummer of the evening. I don't care if he twirled his sticks or not. He was just great :)
