no its not ok... Keep your opinion for yourself. Many prefer a high pitched voice and having a bird's nest perm with thrash music in the backround and not bush voice (great singer i agree) accompanied with the music they played back then.
Ah, so you get to state your opinion, but if someone else has a different one, they should keep it to themselves, heh? :Smug: Nothing like free speech.

Scott and Charlie can keep making all the music they like. Just stop calling this gong show "Anthrax" and keep ruining whatever is left of the name. And while they're at it, I hope now they can stop whining about how the music business has treated them so unfairly; they've made this mess themselves.
Ah, so you get to state your opinion, but if someone else has a different one, they should keep it to themselves, heh? :Smug: Nothing like free speech.

First of all, i cant remember well but i assume that u are the father of those two beautiful babies so congrats! What i said is that some people prefer this and some others prefer something else. I didn't state my opinion.. read again. I just thought that the "okay?" thing wasnt right.

I stopped calling this gong show (as u said) "Anthrax" when they stopped playing thrash. But that's just me.