thursday predictions


Jan 11, 2006
I'm predicting a Nightwish show that is recorded with plans to due a DVD on the show. Nightwish won't be too far away the day or two before.

That or Savatage reunion. I hope for latter. But former would be great for present-day Nightwish fans. And the turnout would be fairly huge for obvious reasons.
No Clue either, but I bet it is a combination of at least two of the following:

Claus's Jug Band

The Redneck Swing Band

The Back Porch Sunday Afternoon Knitting Circle

The Chitlin Switch Meat Packing Band.

Or I could be so wrong and it could be none of the above, and someone from way left field.
I wonder if the Showcase will be back next year.

Outside of that, while I'm disappointed that there will be no showcase, I am definitely excited to hear what is going to replace it.
How about 2 nights for Iced Earth to get footage ala "Alive In Athens"?

"Alive In Atlanta" has a nice ring to it.:heh:
I demand a Demons & Wizards set.

Actually I'm sure that whatever Harvester pulls out of his ass will be great. I'm convinced that Glenn only shits gold.
Whew, this could be BIG!

What if Glenn decided to get some huge power-metal marquee names to counterbalance the proggier nature of the main fest this year? (Not that I mind that progginess, o'course.)

The mind boggles at the possibilities.
All I know it has to be something special otherwise I would think Shane would still be doing the Showcase. I cant even imagine what it will be.