Prog Maiden
Maybe this guy should replace Tarja
Prog Maiden said:Maybe this guy should replace Tarja![]()
Prog Maiden said:Maybe this guy should replace Tarja![]()
Commander of the week: Tuomas Holopainen
Nightwish boss will not regret giving Tarja the boot.
Metalband Nightwish gave the boot to their vocalist Tarja Turunen
after the last concert of their world tour last weekend.
It was published in an open letter, which criticized Turunen
failing to keep contracts and for being greedy among other things.
Rock world doesn't seem to have trade unions to solve problems,
keyboard player and songwriter Tuomas Holopainen?
"Not that I know of."
Tarja Turunen has discribed the style of the incident "cruel".
Do you regret the way it was done?
"Not a single minute. The decision was ripening since last January
and it has been thoroughly considered on all points of view."
Even I am the boss in the band who had to present it, it was made
by all bandmembers together.
How did uou ended using an open letter? Wouldn't the usual
"artistical differences"-explanation have been enough?
If we only gave it out with two sentences, it would not have
not given the right picture of us, and it would have been me
sitting at the phone for the next two months. I do not think
we made it on too personal things.
What kind of response you expect from her?
I heard she was shocked and accuses us for lying
but not a sentence in the letter is a lie! The way she has treated
us during the last year has bee at least as cruel.
How you were able to hold the frames up for so long?
I have survived, because the other people are so awesome, and we have
got the same goals. There have been so obviously two camps in the band
Tarja and her manager/husband Marcelo opposed by the rest of the band,
technical personnel an the band's manager.
You were arguing - on what?
Our working morals and spiritual attitude were from different planets
I do not want to have such a person in the band, who tells me that
she doesn't need the band for her career anymore.
Why did you stay with the deal of modelling for the Sampo-bank cards,
though you knew the next day the singe will be let go?
It had been decided in January. And it was arranged by our manager.
I had completely forgot the thing and was told about it only on the
last week. Sampo-bank took it wery well.
So, Turunen wont be scratched out of the cards.
Your fans have been shocked for her leaving.
Will this effect on your popularity in the future?
If our nex CD will be the same quality as the previous, I don't believe
there will be a proble. If the CD will sell 100 000 copies instead
of a million, we will still be satisfied.
Success itself is not the prime issue for us.
Is it possible for Turunen to forbid the upcoming book or selling
band products based on legal issues.
I really don't know much about this, but I asked it from the label and our
manager, if this firing will happen, are we getting legal problems.
The result was that there will not become amy.
Will your new singer will be Finnish?
I will not comment. I can tell only, that there has no decisions made
on the issue.
In any case, would it be possible to hire Tarja Turunen back in the band?
At the moment it is very hard to imagine. I wish her all well in the future.
Keskisuomalainen (Newspaper)
Oct 29th 2005
By Hannu Jarva
Tuomas Holopainen of Nightwish has already made two new songs
for the new vocalist. Those are presumed to become success later on.
Tuomas Holopainen is retrieving in the nature. Hiding in the forests.
When the Once-CD was released, and the long tour began, he hardly
knew that his band would be the #1 news anywhere.
Not in his worst nightmare could he see the subject. This wasn't
supposed to happen.
Nightwish fired their beloved vocalist Tarja Turunen with an open
letter. Only an year ago Holopainen was afraid of her leaving the
band and thus breaking the great dream of the four guys.
The news on this week was prepared with an year of vast success in
Finland and in numerous other countries. The band were seen very
seldom in Finland. Records sold well, the band became an important
export product.
Once-CD did definitely raise Nightwish into a world class of bands.
Success of the album surprised also Holopainen. With the new income
he was able to buy something more than only the winter tyres
for his car.
Pessimists are now burying the past-Tarja Turunen-era Nightwish.
Tuomas Holopainen is not. He has alredy composed some music for
the upcoming CD, due in spring 2007. Holopainen's dreams will not be
He has been making new music in this week in Kitee, with all the fuzz
going on having a kind of mourning period. Two fully new songs are ready to go
to the upcoming CD and more is under work. Composing new is the best therapy,
says Holopainen.
In look for a gorgeous vocalist
Nobody has to be afraid of the band's style changing in any other direction.
Nightwish will continue on the old tracks, but with a new vocalist.
- Idea is to find the singer by the end of the next year. But if her can't
be found by the time, we can postpone the CD for a little further.
Right now many are sending hints towards Kitee. Numerous are those who think
they know what kind a singer Holopainen needs for his music.
- It'll be intersting to see, how many singers will run for the position.
After all Tarja is an icon of grand class, replacing her will not be easy.
The new singer will not be chosen for only her singing skills. She must be
Näyttävä, charismatic and posess the hardest self esteem in the world.
We will not necessarily pick a Tarja-clone. We will be up to a slightly
new sound, also to the vocalist.
Though the demands are high, Holopainen knows that the fanbase will not
necessarily openheartedly welcome the band back.
- Sure we will get beer cans thrown on the stage when we appear there
with a new singer. Among our fans are a lot of fanatic, narrow minded
Tarja-fans. Those will never accept this, says Holopainen.
There is also a reason that Nightwish announced in good time the need
for a new female vocalist replacing Turunen.
- This will prevent anybody from getting the idea that we might continue
as a quartet, where Marco Hietala would be the only vocalist.
Since following Heavy Metal from his early years, Holopainen also knows
that his band will not be the first big name out there to change vocalist.
Earlier it has happened with Black Sabbath, Iron MaidenAC/DC to name a few.
- This fact eases me a bit, he says.
A number of Nightwish records still in the future
Tuomas Holpainen has got a feeling, that Nightwish will continue for long time.
- My burning for Nightwish is enourmous. There is a lot of young man's
enthusiasm still left in me. We have time to make more than a couple of records.
With Tarja it would never have been possible, beacuse she declared, that the
next CD would have been her last with Nightwish.
Many frieds of Nightwish-music will be interested in what will happen to
the old songs, when the microphone will be held by a new female vocalist.
No worries. The old songs will remain in the setlist.
- There must be used a sharp filter though. We have to think what to play
and what not. New arrangements must be done for sure. But we will not forget
our older CDs. It would be too low a thing to do.
Making the next record has strated already. Plans for it are ready.
Studios have been booked and making it will start in September next year.
The previous CD, Once, took six months to record, and at least the same
amount of time is reserved for the upcoming CD. The orchestra and the
choir on it will be the same from London that were used at the previous recordings.
When Holopainen has moved the 'children' of his creative mind on a demo,
played guitars and used synth to make the drums, the reast of the band
will be called at arms. Vocalist will be needed only at the beginning of 2007.
The troll called "Hit" chasing him
The first concert of the new tour after the new record is out will most propably
happen in Kitee in spring 2007.
- It will be nice to make a tradition out of it. Our tour has started there twice,
then why not again?
Holopainen is very confident on his new record. He doesn't feel afraid of
for the new songs nor the new singer, but...
- Most I'm afraid of for Tarja and the fans, and how people in the future will turn
into our appearence.
The sure thing is that the familiar theatricalness will remain at Nightwish's gigs.
There will be lightshows, fireworks, bangs and pyros and possibly a video screen
on the background.
It will also interesting to see, if we can find a Nemo-like hit. A band the size of
Nightwish will need a radio hit, even while making his music, Holopainen wants to
put out from his mind the need to fabricate at least one hit-song.
- I have to agree that The Hit sits like a little troll in my head all the time.
When a band gets to this level, the label keeps demanding for a CD-single which
can not be over 4 minutes long.
Before the new record Nightwish will publish a DVD filmed at the last concert at
Hartwall Arena in Helsinki and a book written by Mape Ollila.
Also Nighwish got on the Sampo bank card still with Tarja Turunen.
Nightwish has been taking part in many alike [commecial] campaigns,
but one they are going to refuse for sure.
- We will not involve in politics. I was delighted to see our prime minister and
candidate for presidency, Matti Vanhanen, at our concert in Helsinki, but I do not
want a picture of me together with him now before the presidential election. It
would not feel right.
Holopainen has also other musical ambitions than Nightwish. He will be playing keys
on the new record of Timo Rautiainen. Because of his burning to perform, he will also keep playing on stages next year.
After the long tour though, he is going to have a short vacation. A vacation here
meaning silence in the nature. Typically sitting by campfire and heating up the sauna.