Nightwish officially looking for new singer!

If we must break up a band in order to fix another, which I think should be totally unnecessary, I nominate Maria Breon of HolyHell.
Mark Jansen's personal comment on message board tonight:
Epica said:
Indeed again the same gossip
Epica enters the studio next week to record the new cd (with Simone as vocalist)
From Epica's official website:
Epica in Finnish celebrity gossip magazine
The last few months there have been a lot of rumours about Simone, implying she would leave Epica to join Nightwish as their new vocalist. With this rumour being published in a Finnish celebrity gossip magazine we are again getting a lot of questions whether or not this is true, so once again: Simone is not in contact with Nightwish nor their management and will not be leaving Epica. Don't believe everything you read, specially not in gossip magazines

Oh and by the way, we are still looking for a new drummer. For more info contact

The Finnish "Katso"-magazine that started this rumourmill is just as reliable a source as the fairy godmother that enters in anyone's dreams telling news about this and that. :p
There are so many outstanding female singers around who guest on metal albums it shouldn't be hard to fine a good one. No need to chase a big name.

How about the lady who sang on Luca Turilli's last couple of albums?
COLLEEN GRAY is a no brainer to replace Tarja. She has it all,voice, persoanlity(charisma) looks, AND she's Bi-sexual, LOLOL, I MEAN BI-LINGUAL, LOVE YA COL!!!!!
COLLEEN GRAY is a no brainer to replace Tarja. She has it all,voice, persoanlity(charisma) looks, AND she's Bi-sexual, LOLOL, I MEAN BI-LINGUAL, LOVE YA COL!!!!!

Couldn't agree with you more, and having been privy to her audition package, all i have to say is WOW!!!!!!! It was done with finesse, dignity, and charisma. And the audio she send well HOLY SHIT!!!! so much so another audition tape was send.

Now to the rumors,and i have it on pretty good authority, and from this posted on the NIGHTWISH HOMEPAGE

There have been false news again about a new Nightwish -vocalist in the Finnish media. No decisions have been made regarding the vocalist and there will not be any before the year 2007. When the band chooses the vocalist they will inform the media of it. Once again: Do not trust any news if it's not written on!

Now to all the naysayers that NIGHTWISH has peaked and they are on the downslide, well that is partly true and it was becaause of Tarja> say what you want love her don't love her that is your right, she was bringing the band down. A new singer especially of COlleen's caliber would again vault them over the top. As to Simone, well that would be great also, but come on people, Toumas has already said in many interviews that he would not destroy another band just for his band. There are many talented vocalist that could fill Tarja's shoe's, Colleen for one. Then there is also Nicole Bogner no one has mentioned her and it is as if she has dropped off the face of the earth. HMMMMMMMMMM
So until NIGHTWISH or their management announces something offical, let's dont speculate.
Not sure about Kim, can't base an opinion. Can you give me a recommendation? Otherwise, I agree! :rock:

Kim Goss is from Sinergy if I'm not mistaken. They had 3 CDs I believe. They are supposed to have a new CD coming out in 2007. I don't have a particular favorite of Sinergy, but if I had to pick one it would be their cover of Blondie's "Hanging on the Telephone".

What do you all think about the Cadaveria singer, uh Cadaveria(I don't know what her real name is). She does clean vocals surprisingly well as witnessed on the song "Eleven Three O Three".

Don't get me wrong, I don't think she is really any better then Kim Goss as a fit for Nightwish, but if we are pulling stuff out of thin air to speculate, why not?
Kim Goss has an amazing voice, does it fit Nightwish at all? Absolutely not.

Simone would be perfect for Nightwish, she's way better than Tarja ever was. But I really don't care what happens, I love Epica and I love Nightwish so whoever Nightwish chooses will do.
Well let me go on the record, I don't care if she sounds like Darth Vader just please let her be hot!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

jk of course, I mean she should be super hot!
Kim Goss is from Sinergy if I'm not mistaken. They had 3 CDs I believe. They are supposed to have a new CD coming out in 2007. I don't have a particular favorite of Sinergy, but if I had to pick one it would be their cover of Blondie's "Hanging on the Telephone".

Oh, ok. In this case, I know very well Sinergy, not her name. She's a great singer. She has a lot of power in her voice. A LOT. But.... not sure if she would fall good into Nightwish. You can see her dress up and act like Tarja on the DVD :D
So until NIGHTWISH or their management announces something offical, let's dont speculate.

This is laughable. The entire basis of so many threads here is speculation.
Maybe we should all stop speculating as the the next band to be announced for PP, until we get a official announcement from Glenn. And frankly, whoever Nightwish replaces Tarja with will be more than competant I'm sure. But I do find it odd that they are waiting so long to make a choice while still continuing with the writing process for the new album. Tarja made no contribution to the writing process and I think at times that came through in her live performances and perhaps her overall attitude towards the band. Maybe they should find a singer who can write well also, to alleviate some of the pressure from Tuomos.
In my opinion .. strictly mine ... Nightwish was mainly Tarja, and they will see a drastic dropoff in popularity no matter who takes over. She defined their music with her unique vocals, and their image. I can't speak for all fans as it seems they still have a huge following, but I think losing Tarja will knock this band down several notches.

In my opinion .. strictly mine ... Nightwish was mainly Tarja, and they will see a drastic dropoff in popularity no matter who takes over. She defined their music with her unique vocals, and their image. I can't speak for all fans as it seems they still have a huge following, but I think losing Tarja will knock this band down several notches.


Look, the Tarjaholics will worship Tarja even if the Virgin Mary becomes the Nightwish frontwoman. As for the popularity factor: Remember, outside of the people like us, Nightwish is not a known entity in the place that counts, marketwise-speaking, in the music business: The good 'ol USofA. So, people will recognize Nightwish as a "new" act regardless of who the frontwoman is. Jesus Christ, it could be RuPaul, for Heaven's sake. The average mallgoth will think that RuPaul created Nightwish!

As for Nightwish being knocked down a few pegs: I highly doubt that. Look, Tarja was becoming the Terrell Owens of the dressing room. It was either she goes, or Nightwish goes. Tuomas was not going to fire himself. So, Tarja and her golddigging husband was thrown through the window (Marcelo was thrown through the plate-glass window first). Furthermore, expect a different sound from the boys, as Tuomas has said that he wanted to take a Linkin-Parkish direction with this CD. So, they need EVERYBODY on the same page.

Ray C.
When I was talking popularity I was talking about popularity in the prog/power world, although it does seem there is still a lot of interest on this board in Nightwish.

A Lincoln Parkish direction ?? Now I know they will lose popularity with the average prog/power fans.

It's no loss to me either way .. it's been a few albums since I really thought Nightwish was all that anyway.

This is laughable. The entire basis of so many threads here is speculation.
Maybe we should all stop speculating as the the next band to be announced for PP, until we get a official announcement from Glenn. And frankly, whoever Nightwish replaces Tarja with will be more than competant I'm sure. But I do find it odd that they are waiting so long to make a choice while still continuing with the writing process for the new album. Tarja made no contribution to the writing process and I think at times that came through in her live performances and perhaps her overall attitude towards the band. Maybe they should find a singer who can write well also, to alleviate some of the pressure from Tuomos.

Opps that came out wrong thanks for the correction Rocky:notworthy , yes we need to speculate alot, because there is no news coming forth, i guess what i meant to say is let's don't jump to a premature conclusion and accept it as the gospel until we hear from NIGHTWISH and their management.
Opps that came out wrong thanks for the correction Rocky:notworthy , yes we need to speculate alot, because there is no news coming forth, i guess what i meant to say is let's don't jump to a premature conclusion and accept it as the gospel until we hear from NIGHTWISH and their management.

Agreed. Speculation is fun and keeps us all wondering. But yes, to start putting any stock in rumors or hearsay is definitely a mistake.
I loved Tarja's voice and singing in Nightwish, and my wife especially never fails to remind me of the fact that she was the best of them all, everytime we hear some new symphonic/gothic female fronted metal band. However, I can't help but being drawn more so to Marco's singing parts ever since he joined the band. You can clearly tell where his involvment in the last 2 CDs have really made Nightwish the band it is today. Sure I liked Nightwish back in the day with songs like Elvenpath and Carpenter,etc. I still think there is a big evolution that took place from the sound at that time to what we had currently on the last CD. I think honestly that Marco made Tarja a better singer with his involvment in singing parts on some of the more memorable songs. Yes, Tarja has talent, and I am in no way trying to discredit her or saying she didn't make Nightwish, Nightwish. I think they had something magical while it lasted for sure. But at this point in time I feel pretty confident they will do great no matter who they get to front the band even "anonymous operatic backup singer_001". I think as we saw with Marco joining the band, some change can be for the better.