Nightwish officially looking for new singer!

Simone would be perfect for Nightwish, she's way better than Tarja ever was.

Dude, are you fucking serious?
Tarja has WAY more training than Simone and she's got way more experience. How can you possibly say that Simone, who's only 21 and haven't been singing for the longest time is better?

That's all I have to say... LOL
Dude, are you fucking serious?
Tarja has WAY more training than Simone and she's got way more experience. How can you possibly say that Simone, who's only 21 and haven't been singing for the longest time is better?

That's all I have to say... LOL

Yeah, because as we all know, training and experience and other technical jargon matters more than natural born talent. :goggly:
Yeah, because as we all know, training and experience and other technical jargon matters more than natural born talent. :goggly:

Yeah, if you don't know, Simone wasn't very good in the beginning. In fact, Mark himself said that many times in interviews that she wasn't good and had to actually get some vocal training to be able to sing. I fail to see the "natural born talent" that she has, although I agree she's a very very good singer.

And just so you know, in the style of music we listen to, natural born talent is not enough to make one a good vocalist.
Yeah, if you don't know, Simone wasn't very good in the beginning. In fact, Mark himself said that many times in interviews that she wasn't good and had to actually get some vocal training to be able to sing. I fail to see the "natural born talent" that she has, although I agree she's a very very good singer.

And just so you know, in the style of music we listen to, natural born talent is not enough to make one a good vocalist.

Well all I know is that The Phantom Agony and Consign Into Obivion are amazing albums with some of the strongest female vocals so far.
Which one? Simone or Tarja? I have two big problems with Epica. One, they rely way too much on the orchestra while playing the same guitar riffs every song. Two, Simone sounds the same on just about every song. I notice it a lot more on Phantom Agony which is why I like maybe 1 or 2 songs from that album. Consign was a big improvement.
I much prefer Tuomas's writing to Mark's and while I did love Tarja, I have no issues buying the next album blind. I know a lot of Nightwish fans feel the same (I run one of the bigger nw communities on lj). While people were sad, an overwhelming majority were much more supportive of Tuomas than worrying about Tarja's feelings. Not to mention that if she really was the reason they cancelled two US tours because of the low pay and small clubs, it makes a lot of people unhappy. Though I pray to whoever that the Linkin Parkish sound thing is something said out of context as that's the last direction I want them to take. Linkin Park is another one of those bands that manages to make 1 good song and turn that into several that sound exactly the same.
Strongest female vocals? I LOVE Epica, man, but no WAY I can agree there. Her voice ESPECIALLY on the phantom agony album is weak, you can hear her improvement on Consign to Oblivion, but still not really strong female vocal. Anyway it doesn't matter, Simone is a great singer, just I really don't believe she's got the chops for Nightwish. She'll have a hard time pulling off the Tarja-era Nightwish if it did happen, which it won't.
Simone will be doing fine with Epica, and they are heading towards the brighter limelights with the new record, no doubt. :)

Also, there is no need to get twists in your pants with the Linking Park-quote from Tuomas Holopainen. It was taken out of context and has had a life of it's own in the web for a couple of years. :goggly:
If my memory serves me right, it was said in an interview back in 2004 after the release of Once, when someone asked about his plans for the future releases. Tuomas said something that he had in his mind an idea of sound where Linking Park meets Arcturus; a couple of other bands were mentioned too, but obviously he just babbled something to answer the irrrelevant question.

In the newest interviews this month he has said that the overall sound on the upcoming CD will not be so much different from Once, except some celtic influences with a bagpipe on some tracks. The orchestra will be the same as on Once like the choir as well. Arrangements will be made by Pip Williams like last time and mixing done by Mikko Karmila at Finnvox as usual.

"Karmila will go nuts when he starts mixing our next record! Everything will be bigger and more confusing than ever before."
- Tuomas Holopainen at "Suosikki"-magazine #11/2006
Dude, are you fucking serious?
Tarja has WAY more training than Simone and she's got way more experience. How can you possibly say that Simone, who's only 21 and haven't been singing for the longest time is better?

That's all I have to say... LOL

Perhaps it was all her "training" that limited her contributions to Nightwish. Tarja was good, and that is all I will give her. You could insert a whole host of different women capable of doing her job and Nightwish would be equally as well off. She didnt pave any new ground in the world of singing, nor will her successor. So, although I'm not making any judgements as to the technical abilities of Simone, I certainly don't see Tarja's talents as being difficult to replace, and regardless of age or experience I believe Simone could adjust to the role just fine.
Look, the Tarjaholics will worship Tarja even if the Virgin Mary becomes the Nightwish frontwoman.

First off the Virgin Mary's voice was crap. No power, no glory to it what so ever.

When she became the Knocked-up Mary, however, her voice truly blossomed into something godly and glorious.

Alas, this is pure speculation, since, well, she's very, very, very dead.
I love both bands, Epica and Nightwish. Both do their own thing. Simone has it good with Epica, and their fans (including me) have it good too with her voice in charge. Regarding Nightwish, I think it is up to Tuomas and co. to decide which style (heavier, faster, more melodic) are they gonna come up with, so they can decide which style of vocals will fit better. Maybe they will not need too much operatic influenced vocals, maybe they will rely totally on them. So it will be interesting to see which way they will go.
I'm a huge Tarja fan. So I think it will be a mistake for Nightwish to try to fill her duties with a clone. I would like to see another vocal approach, maybe a little more aggresive vocals and mix it with the ever beautiful melodic soprano tones. But I guess it would depend on the direction they want to take the band.
In my opinion .. strictly mine ... Nightwish was mainly Tarja, and they will see a drastic dropoff in popularity no matter who takes over. She defined their music with her unique vocals, and their image. I can't speak for all fans as it seems they still have a huge following, but I think losing Tarja will knock this band down several notches.


I'm going to have to disagree with you here. I love the music of Nightwish, but could NEVER stand Tarja's voice. In fact I ended up giving a CD away because I couldn't stand her voice. IMHO, she had a tone/ pitch in her voice that truly grated on my nerves.

Whomever *coughcollencough* takes over, will most likely gain new fans who couldn't stand Tarja.

Heh. And for those who think that they won't be as good without Tarja, I have one word for you: Angra.

I couldn't imagine Angra without Andre Matos and figured Holy Land had to be the peak of their talent. Boy, was I wrong.
Heh. And for those who think that they won't be as good without Tarja, I have one word for you: Angra.

I couldn't imagine Angra without Andre Matos and figured Holy Land had to be the peak of their talent. Boy, was I wrong.

That's why I always say, whether old or new angra...

Angra Rules.:rock:
I have just noticed something, every time the media prints or says something about a new singer for NIGHTWISH has been found, they(Nightwish and Management) are very vocal about it not being true and to not believe anything you hear or read in the media until it comes from them. Well, on the Simone issue, they have been mysteriously quiet. I wonder??????