Tiamat "Judas Christ"


Oct 10, 2001

I just wanna to know, what do you think about new Tiamat album?

My opinion : It's good work ... It's simpler than any previous one, but it hasn't lose a bit of Tiamat's art! It's good album for me! Yes, it's good work...

What's your opinion?
About lyrics, i agree with you phyre, lyrics bacome to simple ...
Also agree with red beef , it's not the way that was !

Anyway, i have a one fact :

The music that is being created has something ...something that hasn't anyone else

"...it hasn't lose a bit of Tiamat's art!"

Try to listen it once again or once again and i'm sure, you 'll find it... :)

Rest in peace
Originally posted by phyre
I think it sucks. I've been a big Tiamat fan and collector for quite a while but I just can't stand this new one. Take a song like "Angel Holograms" - starts off like a good song and then that godawful happy poppy verse riff comes on. And the lyrics to the entire thing suck too. The songs that remind of old Tiamat like "Return Of The Son Of Nothing" and "Sumer At Night" sound rehashed and like they were put there for the very reason to have something to please the older fans. Well, I'm not falling for that. Rest in peace Tiamat (1990-1997)

and i was going to buy this last album of them, i was wondering if its stg worth it..!
mainly i like "a deeper kind of slumber"-era tiamat. wildhoney and clouds are both ok, skeleton skeletron i almost can't stand.
the new album sounds to me the best they've done by far, after adkos. tiamat's lyrics have never been that good imo, except when they crossed the border between being too simple and being utterly uncomprehensible: songs like mount marylin are so full of senseless jargon one might be driven to think they're actually saying something, at least out of sheer hope. ;) however, i like the lyrics to "so much for suicide", and there's something good in "the truth's for sale" too. they're not going to win any prize, but at least that's something i don't feel shameful for singing along to every once in a while.
as far as the music goes, i like their most sober rock-ish songs way better than the gothic metal standard riffs sported by their previous work and resurfacing every now and then through all their production. judas christ has decent tunes and a few ideas, although i agree that some jolly-sounding songs could have been rearranged in a less "let's-go-to-party" mood.

rahvin. (i still love you like the bubu loves the gun)
Lyrics bacome to simple , but it filled by beauty and love , i like it a lot!

The best phrase, imo:

"It's about time we all get out and vote for love"


Thank you people for reply !

All another are still waiting !
I still haven't bothered to check the new one, I'm afraid I won't like it though as I think I share phyre's views regarding Tiamat.
Originally posted by phyre

I'd rather sing "honey tea, psilocybe larvae, honeymoon, silverspoon, psilocybe tea" than "santa went back to the north pole"

I'm with you here!! Wildhoney was their highest peak for me and they have gone downhill ever since.

This new album is decent at the very best, with a couple of annoying tracks, a couple of ok ones - and with many a meaningless songs that should never been included on any album.

But unlike Phyre, I like songs like "So Much for Suicide" (which really has good irony in lyrics) and "Angel Holograms" - and to some extent "Spine" as well. The rest of 'em give me virtually nothing.

What the hell is wrong with you guys?
I have been a Tiamat fan for years and the new album is probably the best of them all. THe sarcasm and melody have been fine tuned to a tee and it's no where near as simple as Skeleton Skeletron and has far better guitars and tune than Deeper Kind Of Slumber. The stand out tracks like I Am In Love With Myself and Love Is As Good as Soma are pure gold.
Any self respecting Tiamat fan should buy it now!!!!
Originally posted by Vibrating Ducky
THe sarcasm and melody have been fine tuned to a tee

i beg to differ if we're talking sarcasm. a couple of songs might even be ironic, but the vast majority of the tracks sound dead serious on whatever it is they're ranting about. i don't really think "i am in love with myself" holds any sarcasm, or that "vote for love" does at all.

Originally posted by phyre
But Johan sure thinks he's all clever and sarcastic in the "So Much For Suicide" lyrics. I find them silly.

well, i don't think they're so bad, but coming from tiamat they sound slightly false...
i mean, they were like this with suicide topics and gothic-looking stuff since yesterday and now they make fun of the likely attitude of some of the public they were trying to get to. :s

Judas Christ has not many keyboards parts. Vox and guitars become to first plan! Wildhoney is something different. Now,imo, Tiamat has a new atmosphere of music and generally around all of this now! I think, Skeleton Skeletron has more close to Wildhoney. Judas Christ album is something new , new era, new songs, new image!
