Tiamat-Lacuna coil in greece!

Originally posted by Morpheus
you seem to be still into Tiamat, then may i ask you a question?!

during ADKoS Edlund seemed to be fucked up with century media, which he said wanted him to do a 2nd Wildhoney and he was angry about them. And he said the upcoming album would be the last record on century media, because he wanted to continue his way! - I thought, hey good attitude and then Skeleton came out and i was so disappointed, cause i think it has nothing to do with the way edlund went before. And then i read: we have no problems with century media, and we never had some!! And i first thought he was joking, and now he's doin' that "Rock'n'Roll" stuff, and has a sideproject sounding quite the same as Tiamat nowadays: boring!

I'm sorry, but i cannot come along with this.
You are trying to say that he does what Century Media is wanting him to do? I don't think so. Bands evolve mate take for example Anathema. I think he is going he is way and does what he wants to do, you may not like it but i do. I think they are one of the few orignal bands nowdays.
Originally posted by Neonseed
I think they are one of the few orignal bands nowdays.
Dont agree with it. If they would do Type O-covers you wouldnt notice.
Same mood, same singing, same kind of muxic... Only is Type O is a bit more diverse
Originally posted by Mariner
Dont agree with it. If they would do Type O-covers you wouldnt notice.
Same mood, same singing, same kind of muxic... Only is Type O is a bit more diverse
I'm not a fan of Type O, Tiamat sound better to me
that recorded show was really amazing - it had only songs from "Clouds" and "Astral Sleep", right?
Great performance btw!!
coil are bad. chritina is deffo overrated. tiamat are excellent. clouds and skeleton skeletron are ace in my opinion. new one's good also. i don't know why no one ever mentions s.s. lucy, to have and to have not, best friends money can buy, for her pleasure... amazing tunes... they don't sound like type 0 or anyone if you ask me... i'll be at the gig, though i must find something to do while lc are playing...
johan's priorities changed. he bad mouth's (his own) CLOUDS
as primitive death metal (happens to be a fukken classic).

going more mainstream doesn't make you suck... and changing
priorities is fine too, but the level of seriousness & commitment
is something that should remain up there ... no matter what direction you decide to go in.

i heard a couple of Lucifire tracks and i must say the level of greatness is completely gone. sad sad outcome.
its not crap. sorry but you have a prejudice again about it.
maybe people should begin to check this out, because you're not liking it :p:p:p (Jeff Buckley, where are U?)
Who did ever say I didn't like Jeff Buckley?? :confused: I have some cds from him and they're GOOD. I only don't like his Hallelujah song, but that doesn't make his entire musical history man, that doesn't make sense. Prejudice from you then?
And for Sedes & Belli, okay okay, go listen it if you like it but I was actually more judging on the crappy series than on the music.
prejudice of me.
maybe it wouldnt have caused that fuzz if you said he's good except from that one song :)