I have every intention of attending beyond a shadow of a doubt, but this year I can't blindly buy my ticket so far in advance. It worked for VIII and I ended up going, but last year things got tough closer to the date and I couldn't afford to go, but neither was I able to sell my ticket, so there was the money tossed out the window for me.
I'm the only family within a 6 hour drive around to take care of my sick father. He looks like he's doing better every day, getting more independent and able to do things for himself, which is why I feel it's safe to solidify plans for MDF in May, but even if I have the money for my ticket right now in my wallet, I have no idea how he's going to be doing later in the year. So I can't buy a ticket this early, because I have no idea if he's going to be all right and able to function on his own for a weekend in September. He's the deciding factor in all of this.
Though, I look forward to this show more and more each day - as long as his health permits, I will definitely be going to Atlanta this year!