Tickets: For Sale/Wanted

Hey, I was lame and forgot to buy the tix for Wed & Thursday - anyone that still has some for sale shoot me an email to jon.bodan at theperpetual dot com. I ideally need two tix for each night. Let me know what you want for them and if you're local or will have to overnight. I've got a UPS account so that would work ok too. Thanks....
I have 1 set of tickets for all 3 nights. Willing to sell separately for best offers, $100 for the set. Still going to the concerts so delivery will be in person. email pyroman att pyrodius .com or pm me here.
I have 2 sets of tickets for fri and sat that i need to sell. Make me an offer at i would like to use paypal. I will do next day delivery or i can meet you at the helloween show and give them to you there or drop them off at will call your choice. It would just be a shame to let these tickets go to waste. anyway hope to hear from someone real soon.Take care
Well I still have One set for Thurs, Fri and Sat. I wouldn't want these to go to waste either, so anyone feel free to send me an offer. Email at or to speed the process call me at 602-214-3242, name is David. I will be in Atlanta Wednesday around 1 pm so I can give them to you personally.

Also quick question to anyone that knows. In case I don't get a buyer here, can I look for one at the venue? Or do they have an anti-Scalping type rule there?

Thanks all,
I heard a nasty rumor that if I don't pick up my Gold Badge then I will not be able to buy it again the next year. That doesn't seem right, but I've never had to wonder about this before. This is the first year I could potentially not be there to claim it, but I already paid for it in February. What's the deal?

Also, what if (hypothetically) I have a Hellish Rock ticket waiting for me at Will Call, but I can't attend so I want to sell/give it to a friend who can. What would I have to do to allow someone else to pick it up at the box office? Or is that even possible...?

Thanks for any help!
Your rights to your badge are safe as long as you buy it each year..doesn't matter whether you pick it up or not, AFAIK.

The will call thing may be a bit trickier, you may need to call the venue & ask their policy since venues often ask to see the credit card that was used to buy the ticket..
Thanks, Jax! I hope there isn't something that we don't know :u-huh:

Good advice on the Hellish Rock ticket. I don't mind eating the cost on it, but I was hoping to at least give it away to someone. Maybe if I give them my CC# as a confirmation over the phone and then add the other person's name... eh, sounds like a lot of chances for confusion. Maybe I'll just eat the cost of it too.
3 sets of tickets for Friday and Saturday nights. These tickets are in Atlanta, so you don't have to worry about the mail. Cash only. I'm sure these will sell at the show, but I can't be there. Please call... make offer!!

575-937-8137 or

Thank you!!!!
Hey guys.

A friend bailed out on me at the last minute. So, I have a set of tickets available for both Friday & Saturday night's shows, as well as a ticket for Thursday's Hellish show. I willing to sells them at face value or best offer. I can to meet the buyer on Thursday at the venue before the show for the transaction.

Here is my contact info:





Still have a Hellish Rock ticket and Gold Badge for sale.

I'm a very motivated seller, so bring any offer :) Seriously, nothing is insulting. I just don't want either to go to waste.

PM me.
i have 2 sets of 2 day passes make me an offer i just can't stand to see these go to waste my email is or call me at 336-466-1988 the person with best offer can meet me at the helloween show or i can drop off the tickets at will call your choice please contact me if interested willing to hear all offers.
Had a friend bail. :(
But I'll be there! So I can give you the tix in person. Face or best offer. Flying in during the day Thursday. I also have a spare bed in my hotel room at the techwood, if anyone needs a place to crash. Unless you're a hot chick, in which case you can use my bed, too... er I mean... uh... :D:rock:

908 240-6555 (SMS to establish initial contact is best)

Edit: The hellish rock ticket is spoken for. Chris, I will call you when I'm settled in my hotel room and ready to head to the venue.