Time for a new desk!


Feb 20, 2005
Well, me and two of my buds just signed the lease for an off-campus apt. for my senior year at college next year, and now that I'll have space wider than the width of my bed to work with (dorm rooms blleecchhh), I really want a good desk. As this forum has always been the greatest source of product info for me (I can't tell you how many times I've had some piece of gear in mind, asked about it here, and had something WAY better recommended to me that I end up getting instead), I figured I'd find out what you folks recommend.

SO, what I've got in mind now is the Raxxess desks from Sweetwater, specifically the 36" standard desk and the angled right side rack wing. These definitely look good, but also seem awfully expensive for how no-frills they are, especially the main center unit. Think they're overpriced, or do you get what you pay for? Also, the side rack wings can be had either with the "wood" sides (meaning, particle-board with laminate, I'm sure) or steel sides for $50 extra - is there any reason to get the one with the steel side panels besides how it looks?

Oh, and none of the musicians friend desks (specifically this one and this one) interest me, by the way, because I don't want anything in the back of the desk, and I also want a larger surface area.

Thanks dudes!
I have the massive ass Producers Station (http://www.studiorta.com/catalog/details.cfm?catalog_id=394). I got it at cost because Guitar Center royally fucked me over on the other desk I ordered.

In all honesty, it's way too big. :lol: I don't use all the space, and it's tough to keep it clean, since throwing stuff out of the way to the left/right is so convenient.

In hindsight, I should've found a better dealer and ordered the color I wanted (darker brown) of the original desk:


Sizewise, I think it's much more manageble. Still has the kb/mouse tray, and a good bit of space for monitors up top, as well as enough rackspace (for me) and room down below.
im kinda looking for a new desk too and im not sure what i want.......i wanted something really simple like the Raxxess desk you were talking about...But i got to admit i cant believe its over $300.....just seems a little crazy for how simple the desk is.
Well, me and two of my buds just signed the lease for an off-campus apt. for my senior year at college next year, and now that I'll have space wider than the width of my bed to work with (dorm rooms blleecchhh), I really want a good desk. As this forum has always been the greatest source of product info for me (I can't tell you how many times I've had some piece of gear in mind, asked about it here, and had something WAY better recommended to me that I end up getting instead), I figured I'd find out what you folks recommend.

SO, what I've got in mind now is the Raxxess desks from Sweetwater, specifically the 36" standard desk and the angled right side rack wing. These definitely look good, but also seem awfully expensive for how no-frills they are, especially the main center unit. Think they're overpriced, or do you get what you pay for? Also, the side rack wings can be had either with the "wood" sides (meaning, particle-board with laminate, I'm sure) or steel sides for $50 extra - is there any reason to get the one with the steel side panels besides how it looks?

Oh, and none of the musicians friend desks (specifically this one and this one) interest me, by the way, because I don't want anything in the back of the desk, and I also want a larger surface area.

Thanks dudes!
Well actually, I've settled on building my own rack instead of getting that side attachment (really, all I'll need is 4 pieces of wood cut to the right lengths from the Home Depot, Sweetwater sells rack rails and casters). DSS3, that desk looks pretty cool, though the back part with the rack would just get in the way cuz I have no intention of using anything but a laptop any time soon, and as you say, it's fucking mammoth! So I'll build my own rack on the side, and then just find essentially a cheap wood table to take the place of Raxxess's ridiculous $330 number!

And then I guess build mini stands for monitors or something - how do you guys get your monitors up at ear level?
I do NOT get how people can use those daw-desks, wanna hurt your neck? My guess is that most of us look more on the screen than on what's in the rack below or whatever you have on that screen shelf. You need to have your screen in a downward angle from your head, not straight infront of it or above it.

Here's what I use: http://www.ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/40111124
or rather, the swedish version of it :)
I've been looking around for studio desks too but all the ones I've seen (this thread included) just seem retarded to me at such a price. I'm always more inclined to keep my massive desk which we picked up for like $100 second hand. It seems unthinkable to pay over $300 for one of those tiny things, or even for the Legacy Producer's Station.
Thanks Noumenon and AGZ, that Ikea desk is definitely far more reasonable! As for speaker stands, I really can't spare the space to have my desk moved out from the wall and have the stands behind it, and if I put them on either side it'd definitely be way too wide. I plan on just putting 'em on the desk, and I'm gonna get some Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers that (I hope) will take care of all the sound disconnecting I need.
This is my dream desk...


At this point its a little too big for my current space, but someday when I can dedicate more room for recording I'll get it...
I'm building one. Can't stand the price tag for some of these fucking desks when you can build on out of hardwood for around $200 and have it be exactly what you want.

I'm building it out of Birch. I like the look of that wood better. Probably going to do a dark walnut frame on the outside of the main desk part. I will post pics when I am done, I haven't had time to work on it lately due to school, but once this semester is over it will go up on the "shit to do" list.
Hey Zombie, how do you like those MSP5's? I'm almost certainly gonna pick up a pair this summer, cuz they look good while still being cheap enough that I'll wanna upgrade in a year or two. And I doubt you have to worry too much about just putting 'em on your desk with a pair of Primacoustic Recoil Stabilizers (RX5's) under 'em.
I do NOT get how people can use those daw-desks, wanna hurt your neck? My guess is that most of us look more on the screen than on what's in the rack below or whatever you have on that screen shelf. You need to have your screen in a downward angle from your head, not straight infront of it or above it.

Yes, people should really pay more attention to ergonomics, especially if it's about a work environment where you plan on spending A LOT time. I've seen so many expensive desks that are horribly designed ergonomic-wise.