So I need to pick up a desk next Tuesday to replace the desk I have now (looking to get something a bit more "pro" looking going on) but I'm a bit hung up on options. Here's what I've got going now...
I've got a dedicated PC now so that laptop isn't going to be in the way which is the only reason I elevated the LCD on top of my rack so I could use both screens. I'll be sticking with just the LCD for now until I buy a second one to set up side by side. Also, the monitors will be getting stands, don't worry about that!
Initially I wanted to grab this Studio RTA Creation Station (like James' pictured) and was going to drive to Buffalo to pick it up since I can't get them in Canada...
Would be super convenient for my rack gear and looks like a pretty nice unit, plus it has the benefit of being dirt cheap ($200)... However, that top shelf is like 37.5 inches high and I would really prefer to be looking DOWN at my LCD with it tilted towards me rather than straining to look up at it all day
I really hate where my LCD is height wise right now and with this desk I suspect it's going to be more of the same...I know Dave Otero has the producer station which as the same LCD shelf height and HATES how much it strains his neck after looking up at it 12 hours a day...
The other option is to try and find something simple like what Aaron's got...
The extra desk space would be awesome for Pod's, notes, DI boxes and other junk but I'd like to maintain easy access to my rack interface/preamps and can't justify buying a separate rack on wheels or anything like Aaron's got as I simply will never have that much rack gear. I'd really like to keep the unsightly Gator roadcase I have now off of the desk too, I'd rather integrate my rack pieces into my desk setup in some way, perhaps like Will has here under the desk...
Something like that I wouldn't mind leaving half empty anyways, just not sure where to find one that is completely over the top expensive
I also want to get some sort of chest of drawers or table or something to keep my amps on and store some other stuff in, but I think I can conjure something up at Ikea for that...
Blah, opinions/advice anyone?

I've got a dedicated PC now so that laptop isn't going to be in the way which is the only reason I elevated the LCD on top of my rack so I could use both screens. I'll be sticking with just the LCD for now until I buy a second one to set up side by side. Also, the monitors will be getting stands, don't worry about that!

Initially I wanted to grab this Studio RTA Creation Station (like James' pictured) and was going to drive to Buffalo to pick it up since I can't get them in Canada...

Would be super convenient for my rack gear and looks like a pretty nice unit, plus it has the benefit of being dirt cheap ($200)... However, that top shelf is like 37.5 inches high and I would really prefer to be looking DOWN at my LCD with it tilted towards me rather than straining to look up at it all day
The other option is to try and find something simple like what Aaron's got...

The extra desk space would be awesome for Pod's, notes, DI boxes and other junk but I'd like to maintain easy access to my rack interface/preamps and can't justify buying a separate rack on wheels or anything like Aaron's got as I simply will never have that much rack gear. I'd really like to keep the unsightly Gator roadcase I have now off of the desk too, I'd rather integrate my rack pieces into my desk setup in some way, perhaps like Will has here under the desk...

Something like that I wouldn't mind leaving half empty anyways, just not sure where to find one that is completely over the top expensive
I also want to get some sort of chest of drawers or table or something to keep my amps on and store some other stuff in, but I think I can conjure something up at Ikea for that...
Blah, opinions/advice anyone?