Time for you guys to chew me a new one! (n00b alert..)


Oct 19, 2007
So this weekend I found my schedule clear, and went ahead and dedicated the whole time to trying to get a decent mix, whilst coming up with some new ideas - all this stuff was written in a day. I recently found myself without a band so I'm working at getting new stuff together for the new Soundclick and another day...

Be aware that I am a complete n00b at home recording. I'm throwing myself in at the deep end because you guys know what you're talking about and it's the best way for me to learn. It sounds ok to me, but I need to know if I'm way off or not. I've had varied reactions from the few people I've shown - the two guys really into music and recording said it was great, the one guy really into music said it was awesome, and the one guy not too fussed about either said the drums sounded like they were only 'half there' and missing something - but he listened to it on a laptop :loco: So I need some real opinions.

I'm using a Toneport UX1 with Gearbox, Cubase (LE - lulz) and it's many effects and DFH - that's all. Guitar is an Ibanez K7 with the stocker DiMarzio PAF7 in the bridge double tracked, and a Yamaha RBX 5 string for bass. I struggled most with the cymbals, I think. Been told I'd be better off with S2.0 with the S1.0 library.

Don't be gentle :saint:

hey dude
the guitar sound is pretty cool
dig that
playing could be a little tighter...
the overheads on the drums sound kinda strange
like that part around 0:24
with the slow double bass
the oh sound so weird
think your on the right way with the guitar sound
but check what you're doing wrong with the overheads

Not a big fan of that snare - but it sounds pretty allright to me listening on crappy speakers.

I quite dig the snare, for clarity's sake... what would you do different?

hey dude
the guitar sound is pretty cool
dig that
playing could be a little tighter...
the overheads on the drums sound kinda strange
like that part around 0:24
with the slow double bass
the oh sound so weird
think your on the right way with the guitar sound
but check what you're doing wrong with the overheads


Ugh, yea... the OH's is where I'm hurting big time. I just can't hit that sweet spot with them at all. Just need to continue tweaking, but I'm not too sure what to do with them, so it's hard to know if I'm doing stuff right. Maybe reverb.. I think the tom's are a bit sketchy too, and I think they're peaking. Guitar sound needs tweaking ever so slightly... A bit less gain I think, but I think it's a pretty good sound considering the PAF7's are ridiculously low output. I only got the guitar last Tuesday, so I'm still tweaking my existing Gearbox patches.

I guess you can think of this as pre-production - Playing is fairly sloppy as I know it's gonna get re-recorded with better equipment (although still using the same methods), and I'm still kinda adjusting to 7 string playing, so I didn't stress too much about that, mostly single takes though :kickass:.. apart from the stuff I copy and pasted :p I'll be sure to post up the re-recording after it gets done this weekend, which will be POD tones and S1.0 library (and good OH mixing :))

Thanks for the critique :)
hey dude

the overheads on the drums sound kinda strange
like that part around 0:24
with the slow double bass
the oh sound so weird


By strange do you mean programmed samples? I suppose he could eq or compress the "overheads" but he'd probably be better using different samples entirely rather than trying to make these ones more suitable. The song is pretty cool though man! Guitar work is definitely interesting!
Well I was speaking to a friend, and I've decided to get S2.0 - things are much more manageable with it, and I'll hopefully get some better results! I think I might be able to stretch metal foundry, too