
Wow that was a cool site and I like the music but now my eyes hurt. o_O

I've been pretty attached to Myspace, I found three of my classmates on there. One lives about two hours from me and comes through my town on business. Even more wilder he lives in the town where I will be attending the Academy so yeah a hook up is in site. :kickass:

Other than that I found some pretty cool games on ICQ to play lol one of them is a San Francisco treasure hunt, very cool. :)
Hi, Jax and Sweet!

Jax, that was a very cool game! l love the click and drag...

As far as timekillers go, I have zip...but there is a great site for the animal friendlies that I go to daily: www.cuteoverload.com

If anyone likes or needs the cutes and the cuddlies, they are there.



Sweet, speaking of finding classmates, I found one of my best friends on classmates.com and it is the coolest, trippiest thing! We had a BBQ and drank gin and looked at old yearbooks...good times! :)
Wow that is a cute site I love the black kitty monkey dog thing, that is wild!

I love finding friends and classmates online especially the free way. :)

I talked with him tonight and he will be by my place on his way home on friday! We don't have yearbooks handy but I'm sure we will have a lot more to catch up on talked with him for two hours tonight and it was great. I'm excited to meet up with him it's just what I needed. :)
As far as timekillers go, I have zip...but there is a great site for the animal friendlies that I go to daily: www.cuteoverload.com

If anyone likes or needs the cutes and the cuddlies, they are there.

Okay, that site could be dangerous. The "Otters holding hands" video is awesome.

As for Jax's Untangle game... I made it to about the 5th or 6th one (the second star of David thing). I gave up. I have a feeling I'll be going back though.

For me, Youtube is still the all time winner for time wasting. More hours than I'd probably admit.

YouTube and someecards.com for me. I also played Bloody Penguin a lot for a stretch. I also like tinkering around craigslist's personal ads. Check those out for a good laugh. Where else...Wall Street Journal.
After I got done watching the cute overload thing I went into the family room and knit a sweater while watching Oprah. It was a really nice time.
I'm JaxitaBandita (cuz someone already had 'Jaxita', go figure) on Pogo..I'm on there at all sort of random times, whenever I get bored..LOL
Wow....I wish I had just a little free time. My time killer as of late seems to be either sleep or work.