Timeless Departure's new meaning: Skiing


Low Talker
Jan 22, 2003
New Jersey, USA
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Yes, skiing. I went skiing for the first time last weekend, and as I looked down a slop bigger than the bunny hill for the first time (I'm talking black daimonds on my first trip, and I have a pretty bad past with skateboarding/in-line skating/other stuff that requires good balance) I suddenly thought of Timeless Departure. This is probably because I thought that going down the slope would be the equivalent of suicide, but when I thought about it more, the song actually can be related to going down a hill fast enough to make your eyes water and blind you while you try to avoid running into a tree.

This time there is no turning back - They don't let you ride the lift down
Like dust in the wind I will whither away - I was under the impression that I was gonna die down that slope.
Deep down I feel this is the only solution - I had to get down somehow
As I face my haunting destiny - "Destiny" being to ride down
I no longer feel the pain that I once did - My ankle was killing me going up the lift, but when I got off, I guess the pressure from standing on it made it feel better
My feelings are different than before - I wasn't afraid looking up the mountain.
I see everything in black and white - Black = death, white = snow
But you are still by my side - My friend that convinced me to go up with him.
Am I to blame or is it someone else? - What caused me to get onto that lift?
Emerging from everything that is filled with life - The mountain sticks up out of the earth.
Forced to live here on this planet
But there is a choice between life and death - You can either live life happily or do stupid stuff you know you're not good enough to.
Not able to comprehend my inner self - What made me think I could survive the trip down?
One part of me is still not ready to let go - Do I really need to explain?
Emotionless I strive toward the silent end - Actually, it was an accident going toward the silent end. I just started moving and couldn't stop.
Will I make it this time? - Or will I end up killing myself by running into a tree or something?
Preparing for my final departure
As I behold the crescent moon - It was night the first time I went down.
I am still in control of my life
As I make my timeless departure - Yes, but I won't be in control for very long.

Well, obviously, I made it, and I ended up being pretty good. I suprised a lot of people when I told them it was my first time, and I kept up with most of the people that had been skiing before. The real timeless departure will be next time, when I try snowboarding.

On a side note, I listened to all of TD on the drive up to the mountain.
wow, this gives the album a whole new perspective! :p
I had a timeless departure myself once that really ended in a tree, wouldnt recommend it ;)....
My first try at skiing, er...the timeless departure...ended up with me falling on my ass 37 (i counted) times. It was fun. :D
yeh i feel down a million times when i went snowboarding for the first time when i was like 12 haha. its way harder than skiing. i hear about people going on black diamonds their first day on skis all the time. i doubt you'll make that much progress on the board heh. its soooo fun though once you get good.
neal said:
yeh i feel down a million times when i went snowboarding for the first time when i was like 12 haha. its way harder than skiing. i hear about people going on black diamonds their first day on skis all the time. i doubt you'll make that much progress on the board heh. its soooo fun though once you get good.

Yep I went thursday and brought my friend and I had him on the black hills in no time. Skiing/snowboarding is probably my fav thing to do :hotjump: