My review of "Timeless..." from a little bit ago...


nursing my wounds
Apr 15, 2002
The Ridge
Hey all, I wrote this maybe a couple months ago when I first heard the CD, and I posted in on Amazon. So I'm gonna put here. Feel free to comment...

Artist: Skyfire
Album: Timeless Departure

"Take equal parts In Flames inspired riffage, epic symphonic keyboards a la Children of Bodom, and Dream Theatre styled time changes (ok, not quite THAT insane), add a healthy dose of screamed black metal vox, and you might, just might come up with Skyfire. What you will come up with is a neckache from snapping your cerebrum around the room and angry neighbors from the constant blaring sounds emanating from your speakers.

As much as I love the exotic mix of metal and power symphonic music made famous by Bodom, I'll never get used to down and dirty riffing coupled with over the top keyboards. Skyfire does this well. There is no doubt that fans of the already mentioned bands, as well as extreme metal newbies, will find something to like here. Skyfire's debut will fit comfortably in your collection alongside both Stratovarius and Bodom. It's got to be something in the water up there, because the overall consistent quality metal coming out of Scandanavia seems like it will never tire or dry up. Just check out the insane drumming, scaled guitarwork and bombastic keyboards of a track like "By God Forsaken" to see what I mean. Albums such as these cannot be digested in a single listen; there's simply too much going on. This is complex music for fans of Yngwie Malmsteen who want to broaden their tastes, and for fans of Kalmah who want to broaden their tastes. Each song brings something new to the table, yet never strays all that far from the working formula they've come up with.

Now, it's not quite as awesome as the first time you heard Children of Bodom, but it is only their first album. Given time, Skyfire will be a well-known Euro-import and respected worldwide. Highly recommended. "

Thanks, hope you enjoyed it.
Good review.... and now that I'm trying to tabulate the guitar on The Universe Unveils I understand how these boys are great (I knew that before, but now my admiration is growing). So, continue the good work.... we're waiting for the next album!!!
i couldn't imagine u being anything but friendly SD, ur just such a genuine guy :)

and yes, an accurate review in my eyes, i expect u shall produce a similar piece for the next album, what ever its called!!

thats a good point, do u have any idea what the new album is gonna be called yet Jonas???