Timo Kotipelto


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2004
I thought it was really awesome to have him as a special guest, and that song with edguy rocked.
But who was that chick that was hovering around him? I never saw them apart!!!
Yes, Heather was very, very nice and and great about setting up interiews and tried her best to keep to the schedule. Thanks, Heather.

Q. and I both have interviews to share with you. I should have mine posted within the next couple of days. Timo was very friendly and talkative and damn funny too. When you read the interview, keep in mind he's kidding half the time so don't take him too seriously! ;)
It will be up in a couple of days. I've finished the interview transcription but I want to get the photos up with it.
AMBR, I admire your speedy turnover from interview to posted ratio. Mine is usually a month, once though it took three and I felt like such an ass for that long wait. How long do your interviews usually last? Mine range from 30 min (only if there's a strict deadline) to about an hour (normal time) and a few times like with Herman Li and Matt Johnsen I racked up about 85 min. It took forever to transcribe those mainly cos I just kept staring at the tape going "Oh man. This is gonna take years!" But Ive found once I get my ass in gear and start on it I usually get them done in about three days of two - three hour sessions.

AMBR, I admire your speedy turnover from interview to posted ratio. Mine is usually a month, once though it took three and I felt like such an ass for that long wait. How long do your interviews usually last? Mine range from 30 min (only if there's a strict deadline) to about an hour (normal time) and a few times like with Herman Li and Matt Johnsen I racked up about 85 min. It took forever to transcribe those mainly cos I just kept staring at the tape going "Oh man. This is gonna take years!" But Ive found once I get my ass in gear and start on it I usually get them done in about three days of two - three hour sessions.
Length of interview all depends on the time I'm given and the individual and how much they're willing to talk. Also, if a person is very well know I don't cover old topics but try to stick to what's fresh.

Timo's interview is only about 25 minutes, but he was well-spoken and to the point, and we covered ground quickly. Chris Caffery's was maybe a little longer. John Two-Hawks (sings on Nightwish's Once, song Creek Mary's Blood) was nearly an hour and a half. http://www.beyondearcandy.com/john2hawksinterview.htm
That's most of it, I left some chatty stuff out.

I try to transcribe them quickly while they're still fresh in my mind. I find it easiest to put them on the computer and type as I'm listening. Easier to pause and clearer than the recorder.
Hovering ;).... Thanks for the nice words Ann! It was a pleasure to work with you and other writers at this year's fest. With all that needed to get done I felt rather spread thin. I was really glad that Century Media could bring Timo over for his first U.S. visit, and that PPV and the fans made such a wonderful impression.
Heather Smith
Publicity Century Media