timo tolkki is losing it


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Oct 29, 2002
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21.02.2004 / Author: WebmasterStratovarius Rating: 4.30 / 5 points (23 votes) Viewed: 8468 times

Today I received a phonecall from Timo Tolkki.

He sounded like being in a very confused state of mind and was talking about red Kabbalah ribbons and how when he was reading Madonna´s biography he felt warm waves all over his body and that the spirit of Jesus entered him and that now he really has found something he has been searching for all his life.

I am very worried about him, he sounded like completely crazy.

From this day onwards I will not take the responsibility of whatever is being released on this Website.

As long as my paycheck arrives, I will continue putting on the site whatever Tolkki asks me to put there.

But there is nothing I can do about it.

I just work here.


The STRATOVARIUS forum has been closed because 2 individuals sent an email to the finnish police and claimed that STRATOVARIUS supports Nazis. This claim is outright ridiculous and deserves that I tell these 2 idiots: FUCK OFF!!!

The forum was subjected to a calculated attack by people who wanted the whole site brought down. We are considering legal options against these individuals. There were coordinated posts by Nazi trolls, and minutes after that email was sent to the police claiming Stratovarius supported racial hate speech.

STRATOVARIUS has never and never will support any form of physical violence. We might break toilets, hotelrooms and occasionally piss to places where you should not piss, but we do not encourage any form of violence to our fellow human beings. We are all part of THE HUMAN RACE.

Speaking of which that the hate mail has continued to pour in.I have received about 40 hand written letters of hatemail. MissK has received more and the most horrible thing was in the form of a packet that arrived from Brazil. It contained SHIT. Thank you very much indeed from the bottom of our drunken hearts.

SHit man, even though strato are kinda gay, no-ione deserves that shit (pun unintentional), Its gay as hell....

Fuck the bastards that do that.

Still, funny shit about timo..
Holy shit.

Well then, Tolkki is really fukking crazy.

Tut: Honestly, I don't think it's that funny (that some fucktard sent shit to Miss K).
Tut Ankh Amon said:
EAUHEAUheuahueahueahuahuueah i found it funny as hell :lol:
i mean, there's NOTHING more direct than that! :lol:
But how the hell does she DESERVE it??? :bah:
I think the person who sent the shit can EAT shit.
hell, i don't care :lol:
she's just another semi-nutball on the big big nutcase that Stratovarius has become :lol:

but is there any reason for sympathizing with her or you just think it's wrong to send a box with shit (BWAHAHAHAHHA :lol: ) to someone and would say the same to any other person?
I think it's wrong to send shit to someone who HASN'T DONE ANYTHING to you.

Okay, it WOULD have been funny if they had sent the shit to an artist who had PROVED that they suck.
But has the Shit Mailer actually heard Katriina SING with Strato?? I don't think so.
Bah, Stratovarius has become such a joke. And those pictures where that new girl spits blood and tries to look all evil are plain ridiculous in my opinion...
The only guy that can do such things and not look bad is Ozzy Osbourne.
Oh god thats the funniest thing i have read in a while, what a fucking asspie!

I;ve figured it out..

They realised they have lost a lot of popularity... and are trying to becopme more mainstream by being christian rock.

But they cant just convert from metal to Christian rock.... they'd lose too many original fans...

Cue a publicity stunt Spaz out with photos and saying he had a life changing decision...

What a cunt.

Whcih ties in with hsi 1.5 mill lawsuit so....

By becomign chrsitian rock he appeals to a wider group of people-Moe money=Better lawers:p
:lol: Uh Kabbalah isn't exactly mainstream Christrianity dude. I can guarentee 99% of ppl have never even heard of it.

This is really bizarre stuff. I couldn't believe what I was reading. Am I ever glad I always hated Stratovarius cause I certainly wouldn't like them after reading that.