timo tolkki is losing it

Stun said:
:lol: Uh Kabbalah isn't exactly mainstream Christrianity dude. I can guarentee 99% of ppl have never even heard of it.

Hell, i dont go to church, i only presumed, seeing as he ehard the voice of christ.


Anyway, thats another thing, underground christianity (kvlt!!!)... dude, strato are becomign chrsitian rock, i bet you anything!
Ever seen that southpark where cartman forms a chrisitan rock band???

His real band sucked so he made a christian band to get record sales...

This is the EXACT same situation....Hahahaha!
He must really get a kick out of writing that stuff... Timo Tolkki is becoming the bigger and inverted version of Marylin Manson when it comes to attention whoring...:Smug: