Tiny review of the IF concert last night

Captain Beard

No longer active
Sep 6, 2001
I'm almost totally deaf... My family/friends have to directly face me for me to hear them due to severe tinnitus... Yes, it was that loud. :)

Sentenced was first, playing Suicider, Nepenthe, Warrior of Life, Everything is Nothing, and, well, I forgot the other 2 songs.

Had to leave for Dark Tranquility, didn't get to hear them. :(

Killswitch Engaged BLEW, I left until they stopped playing.

In Flames played:

Bullet Ride
Embody the Invisible
Behind Space
Cloud Connected
Episode 666
Clad in Shadows
Only for the Weak
Ordinary Story
Pinball Map
Black & White

That's not the exact order, but it's very close to it.

I got all 5 sigs from IF on my Clayman booklet. These are are really nice and cool as hell!

Considering I ignored Killswitch Engaged, I rather liked this concert. Sadly, only In Flames shirts were available, while the other groups had posters, CDs, and shirts as well.
Shadows Fall: Very Good. (4/5) ****
Project 1: Boring. (2/5) **
Dæmos: Suck. (1/5) *
Meshuggah: Ok... (3/5) ***

(I usually hate Meshuggah, but they're better than Dæmos, Project 1, or Killswitch Engaged. They're still not my favorite.)
Originally posted by Ecstatic Youth

i can' t wait to get the new shadows fall!

i just picked that up yesterday, listenin to it right now
i think it's great
although at this point i think i'd take Of One Blood over it, but i need to listen to it some more, so we'll see
i plan to buy both Of One Blood and the new one at once.
but i should check reviews for the new one.
i'm buying em next week so i got time.
i'll PM you or ask you on the board what you think some time over the weekend to get a final word on your thoughts i guess. i don't wanna waste my money, i have little
I met Jesper coming off of the tour bus at the Norfolk VA show they did opening up for SLAYER. He asked me if I knew where to get a 6- pack of beer. I told him of course, and later on stage he set a cold budweiser on top of his amp and gave a thank you nod to me in the crowd... pretty cool shit.
that setlist SUCKS!!!!!!!!
why are no Jester Race songs on there??? and why isn't Stand Ablaze on there! Well, you can't please everyone!
I 'll still go on the 26th September
From looking at the setlist, sounds like it was awesome! I know you said the list isn't exactly in order, but is Black And White at the end because they actually played it last? I think they may have a new set closer!

By the way, where was your ass the other day? You were supposed to back me up, dude! I'm sure you saw the "Fuck Dreaming Neon Black and The Politics of Ecstasy" thread! haha :)
Dark Tranqui;lity got the award for best overall show in my opinion, but I guess since I'm a huge Dark Tranquillity fan, I'm probably biased. Awesome playing, great pics of songs *great to hear Zodijackal Light live FINALLY* Then Sentenced. Fun set, but Ville was drunk as hell and since I pretty much stopped listening to them after Down, I only really got excited with their closer, Nepenthe. Killswitch, like Nolordy said, blew. I mean, they're not entirely a metalcore band, but their soundmix was crap and the vocalist was pulling his favorite Sick of it All stage moves and most hardcore can kiss my ass.

In Flames were great, pretty much the exact set list NoLordy put up. Enjoyed them more when I saw them with Nevermore, but that's probably because Anders didn't have those damned braided dreadlocks which I can't stand *make me think of Korn* Either way, they were tight and it was a fun show.

Cherrs and shit.
brain is fuzzed, but trying to remember. I'm missing at least two here, but...

Zodijackal Light
Monochromatic Stains
White Noise, Black Silence
The Sun Fired Blanks
Feast of Burden
and a song off of Enter Suicidal Angels which I cannot remember the name of at the moment, and one other off of Damage Done.

Think that was about it. Sick world where Killswitch is the badn beneath In Flames and Dark Tranquillity is the opener.