In Flames Gig review and the effects of the young and nu metal.


Sanity Assasin
Feb 4, 2002
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I got back on wednesday night after seeing in flames. They were fucking great. The set list i of what i remember in no particular order is.

Bullet ride
Embody the Invisible
Behind Space 99
Pinball Map

There may have been one or two more with some older tunes but as you can see the set is very short only being half an hour. Thats what you get with touring with Slipknot and the fanbase of those type of bands really has an effect, especially, when hearing comments from a fan saying, "In flames will be on first because they are shit"

I mean one minute silence got longer, it was an hour of boring torture. well at least everyone else enjoyed it.

But its a shame and if the aim of the tour was to open i few eyes, im sure it did but the fans of todays nu metal bands (mainly being 14 years old) will often choose to be ignorant to the talent they hear especially as they will only take what is given to them being the latest trend so they will look cool.

On a whole, i was there giving my support sporting my nevermore t shirt :) and i hope to see them next time next to bands on the same catagory along side fans that actually can appreciate what they are hearing.

\m/ :)
WHY DO EITHER OF YOU GIVE TWO SHITS WHAT 14YR OLDS THINK??????????--------christ you'd be the first to bitch if they had an in flames shirt on......stop fukkin whining... they blew off a 3 stop wisconsin tour( nevermore haven't played in wisc. 3 times total) so slipknot could do that horrible shit movie "rollerball" least you got to see them at all..
I don't have a problem with Slipknot. They are death metal in my book with Iowa anyhow, so I don't understand all the comments about how they are trying to sell records with their imagery, etc. Their first album is poor, but I enjoy IOWA thoroughly. It just seems like some people rip on Slipknot and nu metal bands to seem "cool" and to fit in. It is one thing if you actually listened to the music and hated it...then I have no beef with you, but most people just make blind statements regarding these bands without even sampling a single track......

I dont personally have anything against slipknot either. they put on a good show, the pyroterchinics were brilliant but the songs werent as clear as i was expecting.

Its just a damn shame thats all.

It would have been a different story if in flames were with iced earth like they are coming up.

Is anyone going?
Originally posted by Poison God
I don't have a problem with Slipknot. They are death metal in my book with Iowa anyhow, so I don't understand all the comments about how they are trying to sell records with their imagery, etc. Their first album is poor, but I enjoy IOWA thoroughly. It just seems like some people rip on Slipknot and nu metal bands to seem "cool" and to fit in. It is one thing if you actually listened to the music and hated it...then I have no beef with you, but most people just make blind statements regarding these bands without even sampling a single track......


Great post, PG. I agree with you 100%. I think if Slipknot were a smaller band on a smaller label (CM, for example) and 14 year old kids everywhere weren't wearing their t-shirts, most of the people who rip on them and call them "nu-metal" (which they are far from) would be singing their praises.
Originally posted by Rusted_in_peace50

no actually, I dont think I would be listening to Slipknot if that stuff didnt exist. I dont listen to noise with shitty vocals, no leads, no songwriting talent, and no distinguishing features. if what your saying is true then why do most "true metal" fans hate Mortician and Cannibal Corpse, who dont have any of the things mentioned above attributed to slipknot?

There are people, such as yourself, who don't like them because of the music itself, and I can totally respect that. However, a strong percentage of people don't like them and blindly call them "nu metal" and shit because they see that a lot of kids today love them, therefore they would feel too "trendy" liking them. Those are the people I was refering to in my post.
Slipknot's - MateFeedKillRepeat was a good album... It was their first release, they had a different singer and a LEAD guitarist. Good stuff. GENTLY off that album is amazing...

Then their 'Mainstream' album which everyone thinks is their first is CRAP. The only good song on there is 'PURITY', and they had to get rid of it because they are plagueristic cunts.

Then IOWA... they released another "song" called gently just to fuck me up every time i tell someone to download 'Gently' off the first album... And it's a pile of shit, just noise. Fuck that for a joke.
Originally posted by Trapped
Slipknot's - MateFeedKillRepeat was a good album... It was their first release, they had a different singer and a LEAD guitarist. Good stuff. GENTLY off that album is amazing...

Some of the prices that album is going for on ebay are unreal. I managed to hear a few tracks of it. One being sic. That had a cool solo in it. I was quite suprised, someone must have sent them in that direction they are today because i have got the picture from interviews with the guitarist that hes well into his true metal and malmsteen was one of his influences guitar wise (obviously not slipknot)

They arent bad jazzers too :)
cool ....the jazz shit is weird...someone hear in middle of nowhere played one of the songs from f.m.k.....and tried to diss them all it did was get them more calls to play it......have you heard the songs re-inside(maybe it's get this") fast and angry as fukk and i can't think of the name of the other song but the chorus goes "fuck you betty your a big time whore"...that song is catchy as all fukk!!!!!!!!