Tips for getting rid of hum in a Guitar Amp?


The Apprentice
Hey everyone!
I was wondering if anyone has any suggestions to fix a really noisy amp.

I play a peavey windsor and it has been extremely noisy for as long as i can remember, however, it is selective. The noise is what i would consider a hum (lower frequency static). The noise is definitely the worst when at my house, but i also experience a lot at the house where my band practices as well as at gigs. The other guitarist who is using a solid state amp has no noise whatsoever.

Any ideas?
try a decimator G string using 4 cable method, otherwise, try a GOOD power conditioner. otherwise, get the amp serviced maybe
I use a gate in the fx-loop of my 6505 and it's really silent after that. Ofcourse you want one in the usual place before the amp too. But anyways.. That's what I'm using. Decimator for the guitar and mxr for the fx-loop. Both do the same job.
Get a power conditioner like a Fuhrman, and a noise gate.

Are Windsors really that noisy to begin with? I have a 3120 and seriously, that thing is silent even turned up with no noise gate, I dont even need one at hi gain. Weird.
try a decimator G string using 4 cable method, otherwise, try a GOOD power conditioner. otherwise, get the amp serviced maybe
Any ISP will reduce noise immensely without choking the sound. If that doesn't help it might be an actual issue with your amp.
Well I can't speak for all windsors because I bought mine used but its noisy as hell. The power conditioner route seems to be the way to go though. Today I'll try my noise gate in the effects chain and see if I'm happy with it temporarily
You may have bad grounding, microphonic preamp tubes, or possibly need to replace the amp's power supply filter capacitors. Diagnose in that order.

I'll look into grounding. I replaced the preamp tubes about 8 months ago i believe. surely they wouldnt be microphonic already would they? I havent changed the tube in the phase inverter slot since i got it though.
Did you to already try to replace all your cables including the power cable to see if it makes any difference? Does your amp have the same hum with different guitars? Has your guitar's electronics cavity been properly shielded? If not you could shield the cavity with shielding paint or copper foil, or let someone else skilled do it for you. There's also lots of other info if you Google it.